Scarlet Sky

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Three cloaked figures come out of a destroyed guild hall, once known as one of the many dark guilds in Fiore. Scattered pieces of wood, dibres, and rubbish are seen all around the pulverized guild hall. The three said cloaked figures, Jellal, Meredy, and Ultear, run to the safety of the woods. The pounding footsteps of the Magic Council is heard in the distance while they run. After running for quite some time, they finally arrive to a safe part of the woods. Tall trees surround them creating shadows. Jellal looks up at the now scarlet sky, catching his breath.

Meredy plops down on the ground, panting while Ultear rest on a tree trunk. "Jellal.... we've eliminated... many dark guilds.... don't you think ... we should rest?" She says in between breaths. Jellal wipes the sweat off his forehead. "Why? It's the reason why this guild exist." Meredy takes off her cloak and fans herself. "But we've ruined so many!" Jellal crosses his arms over his chest. Were they doing a little too much? "What's up with you? Ever since the search for Fairytail stopped you've gone mad." Jellal knows he doesn't need to answer that. Of course they know why he's like this. "Ok, ok, we'll rest for a while." Meredy falls to the ground, "Finally!"

"Let's go back to our camp." Meredy whines, "But I just layed down!" Ultear glares at her, "Up." Meredy groans as she gets up. They all walk rapidly to their cave. While walking, each are in their own thoughts. Jellal mentally slaps himself. "Get a grip!" He shouts at himself. He needs to accept the fact. Erza's gone.... No. He can feel it. He can feel her. He knows she's alive. Even though it's been five years... "Jellal, where're you going?" Jellal stops walking and turn his head to looking at his guild mates. "What?"

"The cave's this way," Ultear points to the opposite direction. "Oh, right, sorry." Meredy giggles as Jellal walks back the right direction. "Seriously, Jellal, you need to get your head out of the clouds." Ultear's right. He's been so distracted he can't think straight. Just because of Erza. "We need to hurry. It'll become dusk soon and then we'll be in some real big trouble." Jellal nods. The council has been looking for them like crazy. Even looking for them during the night. "The council is stupid if they think they'll catch us," Meredy says before Ultear scolds her.

"Don't get too cocky, Meredy. Even though they haven't caught us, they're still extremely smart." Meredy waves off the warning, "It doesn't matter. It's been like, five years since they started looking for us." Ultear smacks her head angrily. "What did I just say!?" Meredy puts her hands up in surrender. Jellal watches in amusement as they have their mother daughter fight. The childish pinkette rubs her head, trying to ease the pain. The foliage gets thicker and thicker as they walk to the hidden cave. A waterfall cast down to a small lake.

The bushes and trees hide Crime Sorciere as they walk around the small lake. "Me first!" Meredy walks into the waterfall and stays there. Ultear crosses her arms and taps her foot after about two minutes of waiting. "Meredy!" She laughs as she runs through. Ultear puts her hood on and runs quickly through the medium sizes waterfall. Jellal walks through, not bothering to put his hood on. His head gets soaked in water as he walks through. Once on the other side, he sits on 'his rock' as Mredy likes to say. Ultear keeps walking to get several red delicious apples. "Here." She underhand throws it to Jellal, who catches it, and gives one to Meredy.

Meredy takes a rather large bite out of it once in her hands. Jellal tosses it back and forth from his left to his right hand. His scarlet maiden... gone? Titania's gone. "Jellal, if something is on your mind go ahead and go up to the ledge." Jellal runs a hand through his hair. She's right. Jellal stands up and walks through the waterfall. "Don't get caught!" Jellal gives them a thumbs up. His feet guide him to the makeshift steps up to the tall ledge. It's what they call the thinking ledge.

He walks the steep hill onto the flat part at the top. He sits down on the rock and looks at the beach down below. The loud splashing of the waves against the shore is heard from the ledge. The sunset gives the water an orange tint, a beautiful sight indeed. He weaves his hands together, closes his eyes, and takes a deep breath. The scarlet haired Mage has taken over his mind. He can't think of anything but her. Clearly he's been trying to think of other things, but to no avail.

He wants to feel her touch once more; he wants to stare into her deep brown eyes; he wants to hear her soothing voice; he wants to smell her sweet scent. He wants her. All he wants is to hold her in his arms and never let her go. He never got to see her again. After finally regaining all of his memories, he can't apologize to her. "Where ever you are, Erza, I want you to know... I'm sorry." He wipes his face with both hands. God damnit! He gets up, picks up a rock, and throws it far into the beach below.

He looks at the sky. It's a beautiful canvas of colors. Orange, pink, yellow, scarlet. The rock lands on the shore. A strong gust of water comes and takes the rock out to sea. He realizes he's lost his composure. He slowly sits down back again and looks out at the beautiful sky. With dusk now on the horizon, the sky is a dark, gorgeous, scarlet. Scarlet. He lets out--what seems like--the thousandth sigh. No matter how hard he tries, he can't stop thinking about her.

Especially with this scarlet sky.

Bonus Day: AU

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