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An alarm rings in a small apartment. The sheets move as an arm comes out trying to turn off the alarm. It grabs the phone and brings it under the sheets. The ringing stops as the sheets are folded to reveal a teen girl. Her scarlet hair lays around her as she stretches. She lets out a sigh/moan while doing so. Her legs swing to the edge of the bed. Phone in hand, she slowly gets up. She goes to her drawer and gets her outfit for the day. With clothes in hand, she goes to the bathroom to take a shower.

Once she's done, she drys her beautiful red hair with a dryer. Her brush moves through her hair as she walks to get her shoes. Today is the last day of school and she can't wait. The girl's name is Erza. Just Erza. She finishes brushing her hair out, and starts putting on her blue converse. It's not just the last day of school, it's her two month anniversary with her boyfriend. Erza walks into the other half of her apartment. She's under age to be living by herself, but she made it work. Her friend's dad owns the apartment so he let her use it.

This was originally going to be her friend's, Lucy, apartment when she gets out of high school, but she doesn't mind sharing with Erza. She grabs an apple from the counter and goes to wash it in the sink. Once clean, Erza bites into the fruit. The teen walks back to her room, still chewing. The clock reads 7:00 a.m. The red head gets a small pursue to put her yearbook and pen. It's the last day of school, so there's no need for a backpack. Erza takes another bite from her apple before sitting on her bed.

The red head takes her phone out of her bag to see a text from her boyfriend

Can't wait to see u. U going to the park after school?

Yeah. Can't wait to see u too -3-

Ur so cute. Luv u <3

Luv u too ^3^

She smiles to herself as she types the last part. Erza finishes her apple before throwing it away. She saunters to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once clean, she grabs her things and heads out. "Next year I'll be a senior. Holy shiz." The realization hits her like a bus. Her, a senior!? A smile tugs at her lips as she puts a strand of hair behind her ear. The wind blows lightly as she walks to school. She's got so many plans for summer, and she can't wait until then. The usual crossing is seen up ahead. She stops and waits for the light to turn white. Her hand keeps pressing the button for it to turn white. Once changed, she walks across the street to the front of her school. Cars are inline to drop off their kids. Her legs take her to the front of the school where she sees her blonde friend.

"Lucy!" The said girl turns around apron hearing her name. "Erza!!" Lucy runs to her and squeezes her into a hug. A pinkette follows behind with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He nods to Erza as Lucy let's go of her. "After school, you're coming, right?" Erza gives her a thumbs up. Lucy cheers at the respond. "Let's go, Levy is waiting at the commons." Lucy grabs the pink haired's hand and smiles. "You going to your summer house, Natsu?" He turns around to Erza, "Yeah, why?" They continue walking to the commons.

"Just asking. Why don't you ever spend summer here?" Lucy nods in agreement to her question, "Yeah, why?" Natsu only shrugs in response. "I guess my parents like it better over there." Lucy pouts, "That's no fair. I never get to see you turning the summer." Natsu chuckles and pinches her soft cheeks, "You're so cute." Erza smiles at the couple before her, "they're so cute together." Lucy blushes at his compliment. What is it now, 3 years? Practically since the 8th grade. Of course they had a lot, and she means a lot of problems, but they overcame them.

"Stooop!" Natsu laughs heartily at the blonde. "Hey, guys!" Levy waves to them as they walk to her. Well, Natsu and Erza. Lucy and Levy run to each other to bear-hug each other. Natsu fist pumps with a tall black-haired man. Erza waves to the small bluenette. Behind them sits three other people. All with blue hair. "Gray, Juvia." Erza greets. They both wave in response. She walks up to the third bluenette and plants a kiss on his cheek. "Hey, Myst." He plants a kiss on her cheek as well, "Hey."

"Oh, happy anniversary you two!" Juvia congratulates them both. The couple smiles at her, "Thank you." They say in unison. Lucy and Levy finally let go of each other and make small talk with everyone else. But in the background, someone stands; he looks at Erza longingly. Mystagon sees him and smirks before kissing Erza on the lips. "Tch." Is all he says before walking away, not being able to bear the scene. He was ment to be with Erza. He can feel it. A pinkette runs up to him and spooks him. "Hey, Jelly-man!" He frowns at the nickname. "Stop doing that, Meredy." A purple haired girls walks over and slaps him playfully on the arm.

"You watching your crush again?" He sighs, "You can call it that." Meredy pokes his mark on his right eye. "How come your brother doesn't have this?" He sighs again, "He got it removed. Enough about my brother, let's just get to class." The sophomore grunts, "Fine.... Hey Jellal?" He hums in response. "How come Erza decided to date your brother?" A tick mark shows up on his forehead. "Ok, ok! Forget I ever asked." The senior chuckles, "Oh, how will you deal with her next year?" Meredy gasps, "Ultear!"

The older two chuckle. Even though he's listening.. he's really not processing it. The only thing on his mind is the scarlet beauty. "I won't let you win, Mystagon."

Thanks for reading even though I updated so late. Sorry for any mistakes. This may or may not be a book in the making 🌚

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