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Team Natsu comes back from a job. Erza walks up to the counter for her usual dessert. "Hey, Erza, how'd the job go?" Mira asks as she starts getting her strawberry cake. The job was boring. So much jewel for one simple task. "Good, as always." She responds, not wanting to complain out loud about the job. The whited haired girl smiles, "That's good. Here you go, Erza." She puts the plate of cake in front of Scarlet. Titania smiles back before picking up the fork and starts eating. Lucy comes to sit next to the now happy Erza. "Can you give me a milkshake, Mira?" Mira nods, "The usual?"

"The usual." Lucy assures. Natsu walks up to her and puts an arm around her shoulders. Lucy's not fazed because he's done it so may times. "I was just playing." Seems the dragon slayer has gotten her mad, again. "Playing with my favorite pair of boots? Natsu, those cost me a lot of jewel!" Natsu pouts, "I said I was sorry!" Lucy looks the other way, "Sorry doesn't bring back my leather boots." Erza watches in amusement as she eats her cake. This is quite the show. Mira gives Lucy her milkshake, "Here you go. And Natsu, just buy her new boots." Natsu's face lights up. "That's a great idea! How much did they cost?" He asks as he takes a sip from her milkshake.

"50,000 jewel," she responds. Natsu chokes on the milkshake. "For a pair of boots!?"
(50,000 is about 500 U.S. dollars) Lucy nods, "That's why I told you they cost me a lot." Even Erza's surprise. So much for a pair of boots? Seems a little too much if you ask her. Natsu frowns. "I guess if it's the only thing that will make it up." Mira smiles at the two. She leans towards Erza, "He sounded so sweet! Wouldn't they make a good couple?" Erza rolls her eyes as Mira giggles. "You don't have to." Lucy takes a sip of her milkshake. "But I have to." Lucy sighs, "Fine." Natsu smiles before running out of the guild. Lucy turns back around to see both Erza and Mira smirking. "What?... Guys! He's just doing something nice..." She trails of as she sips at her milkshake. Erza finishes off her cake before standing up. "I'm going back to Fairy Hills. It's almost 8:00 p.m." Erza says her goodbyes to her friends before going to the guild doors.

A few more people say bye to her as she walks out. Erza saunters to the girl's dorms. She's been thinking of getting her own place, but doesn't think she can afford it. She just doesn't feel the same as she did when she was little. Almost like.... it wasn't her home. It sounds like nonsense to her because fairytail is her home. No matter what. If she does get her own place, would it be an apartment? She doesn't want to buy something costly. She shrugs to no one in particular, forgetting the idea of moving somewhere by herself.

She sees the build in view. She can wait to flop on her bed like she usually does. Scarlet comes at the doors of Fairy Hills and opens them. She looks to her left to see Levy on the couch, reading a book. The bookworm turns around to see the scarlet haired girl. They both smiles at each other. Erza walks over to her and rests her elbows on top on the couch. "What'cha reading?" Levy shows her the symbols on the pages of the book. "Just working on this new language."

Erza squints. How can she understand this gibberish? Levy giggles at Erza's face. Erza frowns. She should try learning a new language, too. Erza sighs,"I honestly don't know how you can learn so many languages." Yeah Erza's smart, but not that smart. "Well, I'll let you read your gibberish." Levy laughs, "Yeah, thanks." Erza playfully smiles at her before disappearing into the halls. She gets to her room, closes the door, and flops on her bed. Oh how she loves doing that. She smiles into the mattress before flipping over. Even though she just flopped on her bed, she still feels off. She can't help but feel that way.

Fairytail is her home.... There's just something missing. She knows what's missing. But, she can't have it. Or rather, him. Honestly, she felt at home at the tower of heaven. Not because of the actual building. But rather, all the people she was with. Grandpa Rob, Simon, Millianna, Shô, Wally, and... Jellal. They were her family. That's wear she got her name. Of course, she still loves fairytail with all her heart, but she still loves all her friends/family she made at the tower of heaven.

That place was hell, but they made it bearable. She groans. Why is she thinking like this? She gets up and changed into some shorts and a tee. "He made it home." Erza thinks. She lays back in bed and relaxes. She doesn't care what he did. He was possessed after all. All what he did was a mistake. She'll love him no matter what. He gave her her last name. They almost kissed for Mavis' sake! She sits crisscross in the middle of her queen size bed. She wishes she could be with him. Why can't he understand that?

For the thousandth time today, fairytail is her home. But, she would feel complete with him by her side. With him.... Jellal. She grabs her pillow and throws it to the wall. Not too strong to crack the wall, though. That would be a problem if she did. She sighs. All of her past flashes before her eyes. Rosemary village, the tower of heaven, the Grand Magic Games, and the her almost first kiss. She stretches her long legs and gets ready to sleep. She grabs one of her pillows and puts her arm underneath it.

His arms are her home.
No one can change that.

Day 6: Warmth

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