Chapter 1: New School

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[Peridot P.O.V]

"It's 10:35 PM. Everyone is asleep, all except for me! I can't seem to sleep! No matter how hard I try! I keep thinking about my new school! Ughhh! Curse you school!" Peridot was up all night thinking about her new school. She's really nervous, wondering what's gonna be like."I knew I shouldn't have played Call of Duty! Now I can't sleep! *sigh* I shouldn't be acting this way. I should just calm down. Who knows I'll probably make more friends than the last school. Yeah! What could go wrong?" Peridot slowly closed her eyes and began to sleep. By the time she falled asleep it was 12 PM.


*beep beep beep beep* Peridot waked up from that annoying alarm clock. Soon she got up and looked at the time, it's 7:30 Am! "Oh my gem!" Peridot got up quick. "It's 7:30?! I only have 21 minutes to get to school! *gasp* I haven't even showered yet!" Peridot run as fast as she could to her bathroom and took a quick shower.

>skip 6 minutes<

It's 7:36 by the time Peridot got out of her shower, she ran into her closet and wore whatever she found; a green jacket, black shirt, blue jeans, green shoes and of course her glasses. Peridot burst out of the door then ran straight to school. Peridot new school starts at 7:50 she checked her phone and it's now 7:38. "Oh man! Please let me make it in time! Hopefully nobody sees me running! That'll be embarrassing!" Peridot thought.


Peridot made it to the school gate, but she's out of breath. She checked her phone and looked at the time, it's now 7:45, school starts at 7:53. "Oh thank goodness. I..*huff* made it." Peridot wiped off the sweat from her face then started walking towards the school. "Crystal High School, huh?" The school looked amazing and huge and was bright white, there's a little garden to the left and a fountain to the right. "Wow" Peridot thought, she walked into the building. Peridot walked around for bit analyzing the place. She took out her schedule that she got from the school. Her first period is English Room 64, but she doesn't know where it's at. She started to wander off looking for her class. Is it upstairs, maybe? Peridot look around confused, without noticing she bumped into someone.

[Aaaaannd that's the end of chapter 1! Haha sorry for leaving ya hanging wondering who it could be...well obviously everyone knows who right? XD lol Sorry if I messed up on some of my spelling if I did(I probably did XD). Anyways! Hope you guys enjoyed it leave a vote if ya did and I'll keep making more chapters(well I'll make more chapters anyways but meh) see ya]

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