Chapter 8: Strange Dream...?

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(A/N: Lets be honest I really suck at grammar and spelling XD but I try anyways and that's what counts. So enjoy. Btw art not mine belongs to dement09 follow her on Tumbler.)

(Lapis P.O.V)

I'm skipping school for today. I'm not really in a mood to talk to anyone right now, so I have to lie about my sickness and stay home. My mom is at work and she won't be coming back at 7:30 pm. Ughh I'm so bored...what am I supposed to do now? I look around my room wondering what to do with my spare time. T.v, games, books, and clothes on the floor. Maybe I should play games? Yeah that'll probably help. I got up and turn the Ps4 on and played Horizon Zero Dawn (A/N: have you seen that game? Looks weird but still cool). After a few minutes of playing my phone vibrates, I look who text me and I see Amethyst name on the screen. *sigh*


Amethyst✌️: Yo Lapis why didn't u show up at school?

Lapis: I'm feeling sick today. Don't worry

Amethyst: Oh well get better soon Peri is bored without ya~😏

Amethyst: btw you're missing out a project for math class. Oh and Peri ur partner have fun! ;)

>Back to Lapis<

Dammit Amethyst, why do you have to do this to me?! I blush slightly. I'll get her back. I'll tell her how things are between her and Pearl. Hehe yeah she'll get mad, but a project for math. I'm not great at math and I really don't want to fail that class. I'll text Peri later I guess. I turn off the game and t.v then flop down on the floor. Everything is quite, peaceful, and...lonely. Me and Peri kinda have the same classes together, so when I'm with Peri I don't feel lonely. My schedule is French, English 1, Algebra 2, Physical Education, Biology, Piano, and Theater 2. I have Three class with Peri in a row; Algebra, P.E, and bio. The rest of her class is just English 1, computer, animation, and Guitar. (A/N: To be honest I did A LOT of thinking about their schedules. Sorry if you got confused with that but I think my brain is dead rn lol ;P back to the story.) Great. Now I miss Peri. Without her I feel like nothing? *sigh* I'll just sleep, I'm really tried.

>Lapis' Dream<

I'm walking down a familiar hallway. I have no idea why I'm at this place and why I'm still walking, but something tells me I should keep going. So I did. I kept walking until I see a door. Should I knock or walk in? I didn't have an option to choose, instead the door open itself. I walk in looking around while hearing a nice and slow song in the background. Kinda a bit of a slow jazz with guitar playing along. There nothing in this room everything is kinda grayish.

I start to hear running footsteps coming closer from behind me, I quickly turn and notice a green figure. I hold my fist tight about to fight whatever he or she was but the figure then drops down flat on its face. I still have my fist tight but when the green figure looks up at me it quickly jumps back and covers its face. I look at the figure, it doesn't have a face but there's green all over its body and weird triangle hair? I think? The green figure is shaking with fear... I feel kinda bad so I lose my grip and held out my hand to help it up. It puts her hands down slowly looking at my hand. It didn't really seem to trust me. "It's ok" I said, "I'm not gonna hurt you." The figure looks at my hand again then up at me. It slowly grabs my hand and got up. I couldn't help but smile at it and I have a feeling that it was smiling back at me too. Out of nowhere the whole place starts to shake real bad! "What's happening?!" I look at the green figure, it grabs my hand then starts to run back to the door I came from. I went inside but the figure suddenly stops running at the door. I look back at then I felt a hug from it. The hug wasn't long but for some reason it made me feel kinda sad...I look at the figure once more then it shut door leaving me alone. I tried to reach for the doorknob...but...

>End of Lapis Dream<

My eye shot wide hand reach out at nothing, but I feel tears coming down my cheeks. That dream? What was that all about? I wipe my tears away, thinking about the dream I just had. My phone starts to ring. I took a quick glance at the time, 8:19?! How long I've been asleep?! My mom is calling me, obviously I have to answer it, my mom kinda gets mad if I don't answer the phone once.

Lapis Mom: Hi honey, how you doing right now?

Lapis: Oh I'm doing fine. Why aren't you home yet? It's 8:19.

Lapis Mom: About that I won't be home till 11 o'clock. I'm so sorry. The put me extra work today.

I kinda feel sad for her. She's always busy. I wish I could just help her with something.

Lapis: It's ok mom. Don't worry about it.

Lapis Mom: Agin I'm really sorry. Have something from the fridge for now, and I promise once I'm done I'll quickly get home. Ok?

Lapis: Uh-huh. I'll wait. Don't worry about it too much mom. I'll be fine.

Lapis Mom: Ok be safe ok I'll be there soon as possible. Love you bye!

She hangs up. I'm still holding the phone up to my ear, thinking about the dream I had. For some reason I just can't get my mind off of that dream. I went down stairs to grab something to eat and watch a little bit of t.v in the living room. 10:30 pm. I'm getting kinda tired now. My plan was to wait for mom, but I guess I can't stay awake. I slept on the couch thinking about the dream...then Peri. I can't wait to see her again. Maybe I should tell her about the dream?

(A/N: Ayyy I'm finally done! I'm so tired...I didn't want to wait till morning and make this, so might as well post it late at night 😄 anyways hope u enjoy this chap. Sorry if I misspelled some words and have a good day!)

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