Chapter 5: Sleepover

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[Lapis P.O.V]

'I can't wait till Peri comes over! We're going to have tons of fun! Ugh I remember...I have a shit tons of homework as well, but I can't wait till summer comes and I know school kinda started about a month ago. BUT let's just say I have a few plans already for everyone hehe. Right now this is my final class then after this it's hanging out with Peri! Damn if only time goes by faster! I could just burst out through that wall and be like Kool-aid man hahaha! I crack myself up sometimes.' I chuckle at my own joke until the teacher saw me laughing "*ahem* Is everything okay, Lapis?" The teacher staring straight into my eyes. I focused then nod yes. "Ok then I hope you were paying attention, this will be on your quiz." She looks away from me with some attitude. 'Wow, rude. *sigh* ok I got to focus!' The bell rings a couple minutes later I got up quickly then made my way out of the classroom. 'Gotta find Peri, Gotta find Peri, Gotta fin-oh.' I see Peri outside. "Hey Lapis. Took you long enough to get here." "Huh, never thought a nerd would be so fast." I smirk at her "First, I'm not a 'nerd' and second, I have my ways." "Huh, alright, ready Freddy?" Peri stares at me for awhile "It's Peridot..." "Yeah I know Steven told me that I didn't really get it. Anyways let's go!"

>Time Skip: Lapis' House!<

[Peridot P.O.V]

"Whoa..." Lapis' house is actually pretty huge. "Amazing, huh? To be honest we should've invited everyone, then we could've had like a party! Omg then we could all have a sleepover!" Lapis smile widely the thought of that. "That sounds good to me, but we gotta focus on your homework, remember?" Her smile immediately is gone. Huh, she really hates homework that much...she told me that a while ago but come on, homework isn't that bad. "Oh yeah I forgot." Lapis let out a little chuckle and scratches the back of her head. What does she mean by 'I forgot'?! The whole point I'm here is to help here, Right?! Wait right...? Whatever focus, Peridot! "Ok let's get in." Lapis unlock the door and shows me around her place. It's amazing. Floor made up plan wood, white-ish walls, a chandelier in the dining room, oh my stars and a huge t.v with a PS4?! Everything is just perfect! Lapis laugh at my reaction to her home "Pretty cool, huh" "Cool?! More like awesome!" Lapis giggles, I said that out loud without noticing. "Ok so you want to stay here or go in my room?" Her room? I guess her room then. "Hmm your room." "Ok." Lapis lead me upstairs to her room, she opens the door, and shows me her room. Lapis' room looks nice, light and dark blue stripes, a few photos on the wall, a flat screen t.v with a Wii, and a little table in the middle. I've noticed she had a few glowing stars on the ceiling as well. "You like it?" I see Lapis in front of me spinning around laughing, whoa she looks..."Beautiful..." "Huh?" Shoot I said that out loud! "I-I said a-amazing! Haha! U-um so what's the homework you need help with again?!" I tried to make eye contact with her because by now I'm probably blushing really red! I sit down on the floor next to the table placing my backpack next to me. "Oh wait you want a drink and snacks before we start?" "Y-yeah that sounds great Haha." I'm still blushing red hopefully she doesn't notice, she might think I'm wired or something! "Kk I'll be right back. Don't go snooping around okay." She winks at me then left the room leaving the door close. 'Oh my stars! What was I thinking?! Thank god she didn't ask any questions! I really hopefully she didn't notice!'.

I start to calm down a bit but then I realize's been 3 months since I became friends with Lapis and the others but every time I hang around with her I feel like we get closer. I can't help it I always get this feeling in my chest and heart pounds really fast when she gets near me...*sigh* 'I don't know. D-do I have feelings for Lapis?' I shake my head trying not to think of her that way, plus she probably doesn't even think of me in that way. I place my head on the table then close my eyes for a sec trying to calm down. But I ended up dozing off a bit. I feel a poke on my cheek and open my eyes and see Lapis "Hehe wakey wakey Peri." I jump up fast shoot just when I calmed down why does she make me feel this way?! "Whoa haha didn't mean to scare you." "N-no you just surprised me! That's all." Lapis went to the other side of the small table sit across from me. "Ok let's get started I want to finish this so we could have fun playing game and stuff." She probably has everything planned out huh. "Haha ok then."

>Time skip: Done with le homework<

"Yaasssss! We're finally done! Another question and my head would've exploded! Boom! Haha!" To be honest the homework is really painful that my head even hurts. "Yeah the homework is kinda hard I got to admit. Anyways what time is it?" Lapis looks at her phone then thought for a while. "It's 7:07 but want to do some fun things before we sleep?" She has stars in her eyes she couldn't wait to have some fun, huh? Well I guess we deserve some fun at least why not "Yeah ok what do you have in mind?" She got up excited then grabs a pillow "Let's make a huge pillow fortes! Let's grab as many pillows and build like a castle or something!" "A pillow fortes?! We're gonna need a lot of pillows but it sounds fun sure ok let's do it!" We both got up and quickly went down stairs to grabs some pillows from the couches and some form other rooms, I move the table so we have room to make the castle, "Haha this is gonna be great!" Lapis looks really happy. I'm glad I get to stay here with her, it feels nice and safe, better than my house I guess. We start to build a little pillow castle I swear we act like kids but it's fun. I suppose I don't care what others say. Aaaannnd our castle is done! "Haha it's looks amazing!" Lapis went to to grab something, it's a hat? "Hehe *ahem* now I shall be clam this castle." She said in a elegant voice she's pretty good at it. I bend down one knee "And I here by making Lapis Lazuli the new queen of this kingdom." We both looked at each other then laugh I see Lapis kinda blush she so cute when she blush. Shoot what am I think!? Lapis went inside trying not to knock it down. "Hmm? You shall be my servant then." "Me? A servant? Really Lapis?" She laughs "I'm just kidding! You could be a knight or something. Ok right now it's 8:13 pm. Want to stay up? We could play games?" "Games that sounds fun but *yawn* I'm kinda tired." Lapis got out of the pillow castle "awww come Peri just a little we could watch a movie or something." Lapis makes her little puppy eyes...she knows I can't deny the eyes "*sigh* ok but for a while okay? We gotta sleep." "Ok so games or movie?" If I were to play the PS4 I would stay up all night so playing games is off the list, I guess we could watch half of the movie. "Movies sounds good. Which movies you got?" Lapis went towards the t.v looking for a movie we could watch "hmm lets see...I got 'Up', 'Monsters Inc.' , and 'Jaws' which sounds good to you?" Jaws isn't really the scariest movie and it always puts me to sleep, Monsters Inc is actually my favorite but I'm kinda in a mood to watch 'Up' why not I go with that, "They're all good movies but I'm gonna go with 'Up'." She shook her head and puts in the disc. We both went into pillow castle and watch the the movie for a bit. The beginning always gets me a little tear went down but I quickly wipe the tear away, I look over to Lapis and also see a single tear falling down. I chuckle while wiping her tear away she jumped a bit blushing, "Don't worry the beginning always gets me as well."

[Lapis P.O.V]

'Dang it the beginning always gets me.' I know a single tear is falling down my cheek but I didn't mind until I feel Peridot hands wipe it away. I jump a little, I look at her face "Don't worry the beginning always gets me as well." Peri chuckles softly but I could feel my face burning up just by looking at her. We continue watch the movie for a few minutes until I hear Peri yawn, "Tired Peri?" She nods almost slamming her head on the floor. "Ok come on time to knock down the kingdom." I got up making an explosion sound I laugh then grab a few pillow and place it on the bed. Where should Peri sleep? I feel kinda bad letting her sleep on the floor. "Peri sleep on my bed." Peri tries to stand up but she's too sleepy to, *sigh* I help her got up and place her on the bed. I feel a pull on my shirt and fell backwards on the bed I let out a scream, "Peri!?" She's snoring. 'Damnit she looks so cute...ugh no gay thoughts about Peri! Should I move? Awww but I don't want to wake her up. I guess for a while won't hurt.' I start to doze off thinking how much fun Peri and me had today. Next thing I knew it I'm asleep with Peri next to me.

(A/N: Damn this took 4ever! And I know this chapter is long but it's to make up for not updating for a long time :P I'm getting kinda better so I hope I make more chapters in the future until next time bye!)

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