Part 3 Reverse Cross

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--Hey girl--


--You're up? it's late girl--

-Yeah doing some homework-
-So sup? You're up too-

--Nothing much. Playing games--


--How's your day at school?--

-Boring and all-

--Boring? Didn't make new friends?--

-Yeah and nope-

--Ah here I thought you got boys--

-Lol No-


-Not into relationship drama for now-


-Lol nerd without glasses-

--Hey that's a vicious stereotype--

-Make it taboo-



--Nothing it's late sleep girl--

-Haha K night dude-

--Night baby--

Amber put away her cell and lay down straight head touching her pillow. She sighed staring at the ceiling as if it's most interesting thing to do. Who had placed that piece of paper in her locker? But more importantly what's about the time on it? The thing wouldn't have nagged her back of mind if it wasn't for the time coinciding with the clock when she woke up. Maybe she was tired, depression on the top of insomnia taking toll on her paranoid mind. She turned to lie on her side but tossed around in her bed in restlessness. Finally she gave up getting out of the bed and left for downstairs. Amber padded around in the living room and stopped in front the door, hand hesitating on door knob but twisted it open and entered the room. A warm draft hit her form for room had been closed for months. She looked around eyes scanning the furniture and items. Everything was still intact, same as was left by her before. The sandals were next to bed. Cosmetic; mascara, lipstick and deodorant bottle were resting on the dresser open. Her shirt was thrown over the bed and Amber strolled up to her bed stepping over her purse and picked up her shirt hugging it near to her body. Amber raised the shirt to her nose sniffing it that smelt like her perfume mixed with her own natural olive fragrance of skin. Amber put on her shirt leaving buttons open in the front and climbed in the bed snuggling closer to her pillow. Her eyes caught sight of frame on the table and reached for it. It was photo of them both, identical faces being twins except for eye colour as Marina's eyes were electric blue. Amber's fingers clutched the edges of frame resting it over her chest and started sobbing silently.


Black inky clouds darkened the skies that indicated heavy downpour. Drizzle wet the grass and rough stones that stood erected at the head of graves. Figures in black clothes standing underneath umbrella mourned in the miasma of rain. A cackle of thunder followed by the flashing of light on the horizon silenced the sobs, highlighting the face among many who never shed a tear over a loss of her sister. He looked around the crowd in cemetery in confusion. His eyes fell upon the casket with red roses on it. He couldn't believe it, the world around him seemed to stop as if time had frozen for him. Rain drenched his form down to his bones, hair stuck on his forehead as the pang of his loss soaked his bleeding heart. He caught glimpse of her blank face void of any emotion at funeral and he lost it when her eyes met his. He dropped on his knees, ring that fell down from fingers rolled over to her casket.

Sean jerked out of the painful memory as his phone rang. He looked down at the name of caller and answered it.
"Hey Jenny!" He paced around the living hall and walked into the kitchen.
"Yeah I'll be there to pick you up", he opened the refrigerator to grab orange juice as he listened to his caller.
"No, I'm's just a headache." He replied screwing open the lid of bottle and poured himself a glass of it.
"Ok I'll be there in few minutes", he pursed his lips looking into the swirls of liquid in the glass. "Love you baby, bye". He tossed the phone on the counter hanging his head down. Despite the fact he tried hard to move on, he was still stuck with her memories that always come back to haunt him.

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