Part 23 The face of truth

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The bell of the Church St. Vincent rang through the serene atmosphere of village.Jennifer closed the door of car shut behind her and followed Ryan down the steep path to the church to meet Father Peterson. Grandmother Garcia, told them that the Father Peterson had dealt with the same situation twenty years ago and could be of great help to them. Not only hers, but Ryan's and her friends' lives were at stake too and she had to meet with Father Peter even if it means driving to the countryside in the dark hours of night for almost six hours.They both walked on the red bricked path ignoring the cold chilly air of the morning towards the Grey stoned building of church that stood above the cottages. Ryan climbed the steps of the church and took iron ring on the door in his hand giving the heavy wooden door a knock.

 Ryan waited and knocked the door twice with a thudding sound.

"The church is closed now", a voice answered their knocks and Jennifer looked at Ryan with her pleading eyes.  Ryan took her hand giving it a squeeze in reassurance and cleared his throat informing the purpose of their visit.

"We're here to see Father Peterson."

"He can't meet you at this hour of morning" ,Ryan pinched the bridge of his nose and raised his hand to bang at the door that was stopped by Jennifer shaking her head at him.
"Please it's urgent we have to see him", it's Jennifer herself who spoke this time with urgency in her voice. They had travelled this far to meet him and they couldn't afford to lose even a second in delay.
"I told you, he can't meet you at this hour".
"Tell him widow of Abram has sent us here. He's our last hope."
They met with silence in answer and Jennifer closed her eyes in disappointment. Ryan tugged at Jennifer's arm silently asking her to leave from now and come back later at noon. The soon they turned around, they heard the door behind them groaned open revealing a young boy.

"Please, come this way!"

 Jennifer and Ryan looked at each other in disbelief, a smile breaking on their faces as they jumped to hug each other laughing and squealing. Jennifer noticed their position, her hands around his neck and she immediately pulled back feeling embarrassed. The boy led them inside the chapel and they fell in steps behind him strutting through the maze of corridor to the end of hallway. The boy knocked at the door and a heavy voice asked him to come inside. The boy told them to wait outside the room till he asks Father Peterson for them. Jennifer paced the corridor impatiently biting at her thumbnail.
"It'll be fine, Brooke" Ryan stopped the girl by her shoulders to save her from unwanted stress than it already had been on her mind.The boy opened the door for them allowing them inside the room. Their eyes fell on man who smiled warmly at them from the chair.
"Father Peterson?" Ryan questioned to confirm if they are really meeting the right person.
"Have a seat children!"
Jennifer sat near to fireplace and her eyes roamed around the room. It's small bare room except for some necessary furniture in use; a bed in the middle, chair and desk that had inkpot and pen placed on it, an armoire next to the left of bed. There's a mirror on a small table and olive green rug on floor.
"I'm told that you've been sent by Abram's widow?"
"He's my grandfather", Ryan answered the confused priest.

"What business brought you here?" The old man questioned them again. Ryan and Jennifer exchanged a brief glance between them and Jennifer leaned forward to speak the matter at hand.

"Do you remember the Christine?" The priest's eyes bulged out at the mention of her name in the church.
"Who told you about her?" His voice rebuked them.
"We're in great trouble father." Ryan spoke for Jennifer, "Grandma told us you could help us."

"Please you're our last resort..." Jennifer desperately begged him again.

"Tell me the problem." Peterson cut in Jennifer's sentence and she nodded back. The boy, who led them inside the chapel served them with tea. Jennifer took the saucer and cup in her hands and started narrating the past incidents to the priest.

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