Part 4 Secret Admirer?

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On the night of full moon, wolves cast a hex upon the moonlight. A naked figure emerged underneath it bathed in the blood of darkness for the worship of evil. A pale bony hand drew a pentagon in a circle with a stick hewn from hazel. Blood drops dotted the circle with their purity. Candles flicked back to life, sighing one by one, flames blinking up to the darkness as they escaped the tears in fear. The worshipper of devil smirked filling the lines of circle with blood from the flask. The dark blood ran on the black lines like veins forming a webbed star as the devoted ritualist stepped inside its centre, removing the garment and sat in its middle in lotus position with hands on chest. Crimson lips moved chanting incantation in hissing voice tasting the hymn of darkness that befalls on the innocent souls and devil engulfs their hearts. The worshipper of devil dragged bloody hands down to chest making a reverse cross.

Amber had had a towel draped around her torso as she stepped out of the steamy bath. Her fingers stopped midway of removing towel when her eyes caught a glimpse of red marks on her arms in the mirror. She looked down,her hand covering the bruises; long tendrils snaking on her arm for appeared to be imprints of fingers. She turned around, craning hear head to peek over her shoulder in the mirror but her back was clean of any scratch. Her brows furrowed as she checked her other arm. Purplish bruises were already forming on it. She must have clenched herself hard, digits pressed into the flesh that left marks on her skin. She rubbed her arms walking inside her bedroom and pulled out clothes from her closet. Amber threw on her shirt and jeans rushing to grab her phone and bag and left for school.

--You're my dirty li'l secret,
It's mine...
...You're mine only--

She crumbled the paper in her hand and threw at Amber when she walked past her in the corridor disappearing in the crowd. She leered up form her hood and saw Amber's shocked face whose eyes were frantically looking around with a paper in hand.
Amber opened her locker and found a neatly folded over her books. She picked up the paper unfolding it between her fingers and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

--You're my drugs,
   I'm addicted to you--

It's history class and Amber settled down opening her folder file for notes. Her breath hitched, fingers touching the sticky note on the top corner of her file and snapped it close.

--I yearn for you. But I don't want to quench my thirst for you yet--

Sean was yawning in the mathematics class with watery eyes. Haley was texting from underneath the desk to Jennifer while Amber's own eyes were dropping close. She sneaked her hand inside her pocket pulling out her cell and unlocked it with password. She pressed open a new message and shuddered as a chill ran down her spine. Haley elbowed Amber silently asking for what's wrong who had a look of horror on her face.

--Even in my dreams, you're never mine... to begin with--

Amber walked up to their signature table in cafeteria holding her coffee. She was all on her own for lunch as Sean was called by her basketball coach. Haley and Jennifer were out to hit chance of cheerleading. She sighed enjoying the strong taste of cocoa but she nearly choked on her coffee, spitting out the brown liquid and stained her white shirt when her glance fell upon a note attached to the side of her bag.

--This raw desire, lust for you burns me with a hunger the would never be sated.
You're insatiable--

Amber retrieved a fresh top from her locker and ran towards the girls' bathroom to change. She removed her shirt changing into new one and went to wash her face. She stumbled back shaking in fear as she read the note pasted on the mirror of bathroom.

--I want to be closer to you than your breath--

Amber was biting her lower lip drawing circles in her notebook with pencil. Maria, the the girl who had been skipping English class for past few days, happened to her her next bencher. Or rather to put it more appropriately she happened to be sitting next to her. Amber peered at her who was writing down in her book. Amber averted her gaze when Maria glared up at her grimacing before returning back jotting down her notes. The class dispersed when bell rang ending the period and Amber ran after Maria calling out her name. Maria stopped in her tracks and turned to face panting Amber behind her.

"It's yours?" Amber asked holding pendant in to her face.
 "You dropped that in the park other day." Maria's yes widened at her chain and snatched the pendant from Amber's hand.

"If I were you, I would have kept my distance from me."Maria seethed pivoting on her heels and departed from there leaving a confused speechless Amber.

"What's with that face?", Haley asked jabbing Amber's ribs.
"You okay Amber?" Jennifer asked in concern.
"Yeah it's just I'm receiving these weird notes from someone." Amber answer shoving the last note to Haley to read.
"OMG! Secret admirer!!!" Both Haley and Tia cried in unison earning strange looks from the passers-by.
"What the hell is this?" Amber shouted in frustration. She already had too much on her plate and now this stalker chapter in her life fucked her up.
"Girl calm down it's probably a rookie or a bully", Haley assured her hugging her side.
"She's right Amber. I'll talk to Sean." Jennifer squeezed her shoulder giving her a genuine smile that calmed her down.

Amber was snuggled underneath her comforter listening to songs. She was about to touch the realm of deep slumber just when she felt someone tugged at her hand, pulling it out of the comforter with a jerk. She yelped bolting up and straight upright in her bed and tuned on the light. Her eyes fell upon the opened window and she jumped out of the bed running towards the window to look outside checking and closed it shut. She was about to get back in her bed when she realized something and back treaded to stand in front of the mirror. Her hand touched the red mark, hickey, on her neck and slumped against the dresser grabbing her head.

'What's going on?'

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