Part 6 tWisTEd

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She was in her painting room. The room was full of paintings and canvasses that smelt of oil, pastels paints and turpentine. She adjusted a blank canvas on easel, picked up her colour palette and tool brushes. She, instead of making a rough sketch with charcoal pencil, dabbed the brush on the palette, merging colours and started painting sketch of desired object. She trailed the brush making eyebrow, from inner crease to outer darkening the shade to perfect the D of eye. She switched the brush, mixing blue colours to get a required shade and turned to her canvas drawing irises and pupils. The curls of eyelashes had beads of tears dusting the brim of curls of glassy blue eyes. Her hand traced down the bridge of nose, giving shades to contour the features. She grimaced throwing the brush away and swirled her hands on the palette. She needed perfection, passion of her art and raw desire into something she could touch. She brought her both hands near the canvas smearing the paint to make lips. She was painting with her bare hands; the neck to the shoulder darkening the skin tone of the spine down to its base revealing dimples. Her hand trailed the milky skin of the arm to the crook of elbow bent upwards. Delicate fingers were clenching red satin sheet near to her breasts.

She was desperate, desperate in her obsession...

She stepped back, eyes scanning her painting of a girl who had a bare back to her looking over her shoulder and was holding red sheet to her chest wrapped around her lower waist. Tousled wet locks were tied into a bun with teardrops coating her eyelashes of blue irises. Maria put her head between her hands breathing heavily then looked down at her palms that were stained with red paint. She sniffed the paint on her fingers, eyes rolling back in her sockets as she shivered at her new craving of possession. She traced her own lips with fingers trailing down and smearing paint on her throat and cleavage staining her camisole in the process and rested her hands on her waist.

She's losing it...

Sean had been walking through the dark corridor. The paint was peeling off the greyish green rusty walls that were narrowing on him. An oxidized iron door came into his view with black liquid sliding down to form words in a language he couldn't read. Someone chanted, voice echoing like ghosts running on the walls. Black claws of demons reached for his back hanging above his head. The door creaked open making the dark entities scurried away shrieking. He was sweating, entire frame was shaking in morbid fear as he was drawn to the door by an invisible force. He stepped inside the vacant cell, eyes falling on a lady lying on a cot in the middle of room. The moonlight seeping from the barred ceiling of the cell fell on the lower naked half of the lady. He stepped forward to make out her face that was concealed by the darkness. The lady shifted, dragging herself towards him. The moonlight revealed her torso, hair covering her breasts as she stepped into the light. He gasped, eyes widening in horror seeing her face and those piercing blue eyes sucked the breath out of him.


She smirked hand covering half of her face as the black sticky liquid pooled around on the floor underneath their feet.

"I'll kill you!"

Sean eyes jerked open. Another nightmare that was intimate in a strange way. He rubbed his face with both hands and turned to face empty space beside him.
"Where's Jen?" He sat upward removing the comforter and  strode out of the room throwing on his T shirt. He slided open the door of patio and found her sitting there. She had been reading a book, that looked quite old by its cover. She was tracing symbols and words with her fingers but immediately closed it shut when she heard him behind her and put that inside her bag.
"Morning!" She gave him a fake smile and he's experienced enough to see through her facade.
"Morning Jen!" He sat behind her and wrapped her arms around her waist kissing her temple.
"Why are you out of the bed that early?" He asked as she shifted in his lap and snuggled closer.
"Couldn't sleep..."
"You're reading a porn book?" Jennifer grimaced at his teasing words.
"Sorcery of how to claw out someone's heart", Jennifer threw him a smirk over her shoulder and burst out in laughter at his bewildered reaction.
"Sean, it's folklore. I got it from the library". She told him as  she got off his lap. She bent to pick up her bag and the walked outside.

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