Part 20 Silence of Lambs

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Fria tried to sit up in the infirmary room when a nurse had done with with the bandage around her wrist and applied a  little pressure on it with her two fingers making her wince in pain.
"You're lucky that you've no broken bones", nurse told her rolling the bandage around her swollen ankle with a spray of pain healer. Fria bit her lower lip as the incident in the library replayed over her mind of what had happened which almost appeared like a hazy dream to her foggy mind.
"Who took me here?" Fria asked placing a hand on her throbbing forehead as broken fragments of memory flashed before her eyes. The books...'it'...the crashing of book rack on her. She flinched both at the memory and pressure that nurse applied on the ankle mouthing sorry to her. The girl nodded and her thoughts were again disturbed by a voice that spoke to her.
"I carried you here, Fria." Maria stood crossed arms in the doorway and pushed her weight up walking beside her. The nurse gave Fria a tablet to swallow and Maria was quick enough to pour the girl a glass of water.
"Thanks". Fria took the glass from her hand and drank it forcing the tablet down her throat making a face at the bitter taste of it. The nurse excused herself out of the room and Maria stood over Fria smirking down at her.

"You did quite a scene in the library, girl."

"What happened?" Albino girl looked up at the black haired girl feigning act that she remembered nothing. Besides, if Maria had saved her it could be a chance she, must have, witnessed something atleast what she had expected out of hope.
"I was at the library and came to ask you about the book but you went hysterical and started throwing books at me..."

"And about the book rack?"

"It fell on you when you knocked it off"

"What?" Fria gaped at the girl with a flicker of shock reflected in the dark red rings of her eyes.
"There was no one there except..."
"Us?" Maria laughed half heartedly and tucked a stray curl of Fria's hair behind her ear brushing her cheek with the back of her knuckles.
"The entire library was watching us whom else you're expecting, Fria?" Her voice, merely whisper to her ears made the Albino girl shuddered with the manner she mouthed the words for her, that felt only for her ears to hear.

Fria was taken to hospital by her father, Dr. Lloyd to have a proper check up of her swollen ankle that was much better to his amusement. The girl, much to her dislike was given a clutch to support her weight on it but her condition had called for it and she had no other choice left especially when one's father is a doctor. Fria went home with the driver and lie down on her bed, closing her eyes for a nap. She couldn't shake the scene what she had witnessed other night at the graveyard. She shuddered at the memory, feeling nauseous for she still couldn't believe her eyes. There must have to be some kind of explanation or it could just be some misunderstanding of what she had seen. She shifted on her side and pushed the thoughts at the back of her mind to sleep and ease the pain. It had hardly been two hour to her sleeping mind when she heard footsteps outside her bedroom.
"Papa?" She spoke perching herself up on her lean elbows and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. There was no answer and she looked at the wall clock to see the time. It's 11:35 of night and she wondered for how many hours she slept through the shooting pain in her ankle. The silhouette was constantly roaming outside her room.

"Margaritha it's you?" She called for her maid who would usually leave at 10:00. Fria heard the thuds of footsteps on the stairs down the hall and she pushed herself out of the bed holding her clutch and went to slide the door open.

"Margaritha, you're still here?" She asked again leaning over the railing. She heard someone played the gramophone in the living room and she knew it must be her father who might have come home early but shouldn't he be at his late night shift? She descended the stairs carefully and cursed herself for having her bedroom on second floor.
"Father?" She called again and the gramophone stopped with a shrilled screeching sound and she on impulse covered her ear hissing at the screech. She heard sweet humming in the living room and the record was changed on the gramophone. A beat skipped by and Fria limped inside the room. A figure was sitting on a rocking chair singing the song that was being played on the record. Her arm flexed as she stepped closer and as if sensing her heartbeat both the singing and the song on the record stopped. The lights of the room flickered and a painful memory seized her mind indicating the nightmare that she must have to relive again and endure the pain that would come along with it.

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