Part 19 World without Sense

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Do you know what wind whisper?
It says don't open your eyes in the dark to see her face
It sleeps beside your side
to be inside you
The wooden floor creaked underneath the weight of heavy footsteps that treaded towards Haley's bed. It's around 3:00 am, a bark was heard in the distant;  bloodcurdling far cry and a low moan of a whimpering woman that sounded like a demon trapped inside a dog howling for her ears. A hand traced delicious shape of her body trailing her supple flesh of breast giving it a light squeeze down to the curve of her spine and lingering touch on her inner thigh down the length of her that made her shiver. A lick on her big toe followed by a throaty growl; hot burning mouth enclosed around the flesh sucking and biting on it in the arouse of pleasure. Cold bony fingers traced pattern in the curve of her foot and grazed teeth against the heel. Haley's eyes shot open seeing the deformed creature sitting at the foot of her bed snarling at her. It slowly raised itself on the bed, crawling over her body feeling it through the sheets and settled above her releasing a wet growl.


"Your mother has told me you attempted suicide", psychiatrist asked Amber whose chin was tucked against her chest and fingers fisted in the fabric of her jeans. She didn't try to kill herself. No she didn't, for she knew but her conscious of the accident would laugh at her sanity if she gave the explanation of what actually had happened.
'No, I tried to kill herself', she chanted in her head to convince herself of something that would sound rational. Lies are far better than the actual face of truth.

"I'm having time lapses", she finally admitted, the least of the truth, that wasn't a lie to satiate her conscience guilty of lying to herself and to her doctor. She could barely remember what she had been doing around and even though, if she remembers, the events that would unfold before her eyes would leave her mind screaming at herself . There had always been the blood on her clothes, on her face, in the bath tub or footprints on the floor. There was hardly a time when she wouldn't wake up feeling sick in the morning emptying the contents from her stomach. Her skin, her body and her room would stink, like a rotten flesh or a decaying corpse as if flesh was burning and she would dig nails in her arms that would itch in the agony of being the only one who could smell it.

"It's a stress of recent accident given for your cousin...Sean? If I'm recalling it correctly. Did it scare you?"

Amber looked up at the doctor with her hollow and dull eyes in a blank expression. It did scare her, the accident regarding Sean's body mutilation took toll on her mind twisting every nerve out of her to the point of snapping her sanity. Had she not been there if it wasn't dream that appeared so vivid to her memory? What happened to him didn't leave her in horror and grief for him but comforted her heart and mind in a sick way that wasn't beyond her comprehension. But denial had always been friend. The smile that formed on her lips, scared her to the very bone and her reflection, she identified, it didn't belong to her anymore.
"It does..." Her voice was bleak as if she was whispering to herself or to the walls like that of her room that wouldn't let her sleep and tried to reach out for her sleeping body. She wouldn't allow herself to sleep but rather torture herself to stay awake. She would sit cross-legged facing the wall behind the headboard of her bed and hear the whimpers of someone trapped behind it and gave the impression of things creeping and crawling on the walls of her room like ghosts.

And she knew, she wasn't insane

Ryan had come to pick Jennifer since he thought it would be good for her to go outside in the open air rather than being closed in the room. It's been a week since the accident at the cemetery that had taken toll on her Jennifer's mind who had closed herself in her room, refusing to eat and sleep. Ryan knocked at the door of her room that was already open and she looked up at him from the sitting position that she had been holding for hours. Ryan swallowed a lump in her throat to form a simple 'Hi' on his tongue but he knew it would break the fragile silence hanging between them and tried to smile at her.

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