Part 5 Mirror House

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Sean had been waiting for Amber outside her house , humming and tapping fingers on steering wheel. Jennifer was in front seat listening to songs on her ipod while Haley was sitting behind Sean, applying lipstick in vanity mirror as she bent over his seat.

"And Queen victoria is here", Sean spoke as Amber ran towards the car opening the door and threw her jacket inside.

"Sorry guys. Mom got me for a moment", she clarified setting in the car.

"You look mess Amber!" Jennifer turned to see Amber removing her earplugs and put her ipod back in her bag. Sean ignited the engine and drove to the main road.

"It's creepy things that creep me out", Amber slumped against the seat as both Haley and Jennifer gave her a skeptical look.
"Look who is saying." Sean teased mocking her dark aura as he chuckled earning a deathly glare from Amber.
"Sean watched out!" Jennifer shouted calling him out that snapped his attention towards the road as a black cat came to stop in the middle of it in front of the car. Sean hit the break before he could overrun the cat. The forced break made Jennifer bolt up bumping her her head against the glass. The cat meowed before running into the woods. Haley and Amber pulled hair back out of their faces looking up as Sean immediately turned to Jennifer.
"Jen you okay?" Sean asked rubbing her forehead. It could have been worse because of him. But he could swear that he didn't see any cat getting on the road.
"Yeah I'm fine", she replied wincing in pain.
"How did the cat get in the way out of nowhere?" Haley exclaimed freaking out. She already was a superstitious and black indicated no good sign for their planned trip.
"Great Omen to ride", Amber snickered in frustration gesturing towards the road.
"Don't be ridiculous girls. It's just a cat". Sean remarked in annoyance looking back at them over his seat.
"It's a bad omen". Amber snapped raising her voice.
"It isn't that bad unless it's Maria, the death cat". Haley spat venomously biting her thumb nail.


She touched the surface of water in the bathtub with her foot making small ripples before she stepped inside it. She descended her body in the water, lying down down and rested her head against the edge.

It's happening again...
Just like...

She closed her eyes, her throat got heavy with a thick lump. She slided against the tub, lowering down further and dipped her head inside the water holding her breath. Her face submerged beneath the surface, arms floating as bubbles escaped her mouth.

They were at the amusement park. Haley and Jennifer looked at the rides in awe like children who jump when you show them candies. These two insisted on rollercoaster ride forcing Amber who was about to sprint from there. Finally after much effort and bickering, they had had her agreed for the ride while Sean got in the line for tickets. He returned giving them their tickets. Haley and Jennifer ran towards the ride deciding to sit in the front most seats. Sean sulked, faking being hurt when Jennifer sat next to Haley leaving her boyfriend behind. Amber chuckled messing his perfectly gelled hair and sat behind the girls. Sean set his hair back with his hand and sat next to Amber. They put on shoulders restraints as coaster started running slowly on the track before speeding up that fell lower on track eliciting screams and yelps from people. Amber clutched onto her restraints, holding up her breath to lessen the flips in her belly and closed her eyes. The coaster ascended upward on a round spiralling track to complete its circle before running straight. Amber peeked from her one eye towards Sean who was reciting verses continuously. The train sped up to the inward side of the curved track. It slowed down at the top of it with passengers hanging upside down. Both Sean and Amber looked at each other before screaming at the top of their lungs as coater ran down for its deadly ride.

Sean threw up the soon he got off the ride. Jennifer rushed to her side holding him and rubbed his back to soothe as he emptied his stomach. Sean cleaned himself up in the washroom and joined the girls at food stalls. Hot spicy barbecue steaks with chilli sauce burnt their mouth and Haley fanned her tongue with her hand. Jennifer bought them sugar cotton candy that coloured their teeth. Jennifer and Sean took their selfies with Amber and Haley making funny faces behind them that ruined their pictures.

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