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Played by KyliePotter...so go follow her if you already didn't :)

(Kylie 's P.O.V)  

I had just got through finishing up my homework and was just about to go to bed. I wore my yoga pants and a t-shirt and got ready to zone out. It's been a long day and school just doesn't know when not to give homework. But it's all good of course cause I manage to somehow finish my homework just in time.  

I crawled into bed and underneath the covers and right smack on the dot as soon as my head hit the pillow I hear a truck engine outside. I rolled my eyes and removed the covers slightly just enough to get my upper body up. I reached over my nightstand and turned my lamp on.  

I couldn't really see much out my window, so that resulted as for me to have to get up and physically look out the window. I tiredly pushed the covers off me and swung my feet over the bed and walked to my window. I moved the curtains out of the way to get a better glimpse, but so far the only thing I could see was a moving truck. A moving truck? At this late at night, what the hell here I am trying to get some sleep and new neighbors are steady moving in.  

I looked a little closer and saw a tall light-skinned boy talking to who, well I guess his mom. But she was talking to one of the movers so she just waved him off and accepted to let him do whatever he wanted I guess. I was still paying attention to the whole thing until I then saw the boy run back inside the house, leaving his mom and the mover to continue talking.  

It's been about 3 minutes later and finally the boy came back outside. He told his mom something and he kissed her cheek. He was about to turn and run off until he looked up at my window and I saw his eyes meet mine. I panicked but my mind told me to move but my body thought otherwise, but before I could even move he looked at me and then all of a sudden his eyes turned gold with a black slit down the middle. He then ran off somewhere down the back area of the neighborhood.   I quickly closed the blinds and ran and turned the lamp off and jumped into bed. I pulled the covers over me, and just tried to process what just happened. I know it's weird to move at night.....but then gold glowing eyes too....there's no way that what I seen was even explainable. I turned over to my side and just closed my eyes and went to sleep...  

I woke up the next morning to my mom violently shaking me, I burst my eyes open only to see her frustrated that I was not up and awake.  

"Hurry up, you have to meet our new neighbor then show him the bus stop......well come on." She said then walking out of my room.  

I pushed the covers off of me and blew some hair out of my face. Ugh, school. But on the bright side I get to show the new neighbor.....that probably thinks I'm a stalker now...but hey I needed to see what was happening.  

I was finally dressed and done in my room so I quickly just threw my hair into a ponytail and opened my bedroom door until I bumped into someone.  

"Oh sor-....who are you?" I asked bumping into a familiar face.  

"Um, I'm the new neighbor, I'm Chris." He said extend hand out to shake, but he also smiled but his teeth looked pretty sharp.....not that it mattered.  

"Oh, I'm Kylie." I said extending my hand to shake his. But as soon as my hand touched his a automatic spark happened. I just played it cool but he seemed to be all shocked about it.  

"Oh, um w-we should get going..." He said backing away from me then walking down the stairs.  

I rolled my eyes and made a whatever face and followed him down the stairs. I think this kid is weird...but not ugly, but weird. It was a simple hand shake and he just blew it all out of proportion, like what the heck.  

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