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(Chris's P.O.V)  

I was sitting in my classroom at my desk grading papers. I had a extra large coffee from Starbucks and I was ready for today. It was only 1st period and I was still getting ready for class. I love teaching and since it's something I love to do and I'm getting paid I really don't mind doing it. I fixed my tie a little and sipped a little bit of my coffee. I then waited for the first period bell to ring. There's nothing more than I love then teaching children. I mean why not, kids need education every day. The bell finally rang and 1 after another and then soon a flood of my first period class started to pour in. I can't wait for another day of teacher.  

I was just about getting done teaching the first lesson of my class when the bell rang for second period. I don't have a second period class but I do have a 3rd 4th and 6th, then 8th. It's really weird how they have the system made but it gives me lots of time to grade papers in between.  

I was sitting in my desk just grading papers when there was a knock on my door. The door then opened and then Miss. Hann walked in. You see Miss Hann and I are really good friends and she just started this week. So I've been showing her the ropes through out the school.  

"Hey, come on in." I said getting up. She smiled then walked over to me.  

"Hi, I just came here to talk really." She said shaking my hand then sitting down in one of the empty desk.   

"Yeah, sure what about." I asked. She then sighed and played with her fingers.  

"Well, you see I kind of need to learn the whole system of the teaching thing cause don't get me wrong I love kids, it's just how do you make teaching fun." She said curiously. I shook my head cause I know exactly what she's talking about.  

"Well, in order to do that you have to grab the kids attention and make them wanna focus in on what you want to teach them, for example tease the kids with a little fun and excitement. And give em some candy out of it maybe." I said speaking from my own perspective. She shook her head in agreement.  

"Okay, seems simple enough....but can I try it out." She said. I raised an eyebrow up.  

"What do you mean, we don't have any students." I said. She just giggled.  

"Your my student, and I'm gonna practice on you." She said. Before I could even process what she was saying she was now standing in between my legs playing with my tie. I began to grow nervous. I mean isn't against the school code to even be this close to a staff member.   

"Aren't you going to follow along, Chris." She said using my first name.   

"Um, Jackie, don't you think that this is a bad idea." I said using her first name and sounding  a little unsure.  

"Nope." She said as her lips were just inches away from mine.  

She then just went on and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss her back, I mean there were no students during this time so that meant we wouldn't get caught. But I was still second guessing on this. Even though this was a high school and everyone was somewhere else I was still a little unsure about the whole situation.  

I pulled away from the kiss and just looked at her. She then started to kiss on my neck. I slowly slid my hands down to her ass. It felt way to plump in that tight ass skirt. I guess I was getting to into it cause I leaned my head back and then began to enjoy it a little more. I could feel her smirking against my neck but I didn't care. She then pulled away and then pushed all the stuff off my desk. She then laid down across the desk.  

"Looks like you have some work to do on your desk Mr. Brown." She said smiling a little. I didn't even think twice. I then got right on top of her and began kissing her neck. She titled her head back just a little to give me some more access to her neck. I ever so slowly slid my hands down to her thigh and rubbed it gently up and down. I then kissed her lips once again. This time I slid my tongue in and that caused her to moan a little bit. This is gonna be one long in between period.  

After we got done I zipped up my pants and threw away the condom. I then tucked in my shirt and fixed my tie. Then she fixed her skirt once more before opening the door and then she left. Who, that was one of the most outrages in between periods I ever had.  

After school let out, I went to the teachers lounge to see if they had any left over snacks. I usually grab a little something before I go to hit the road and go home. I hate that I barely have free time, I mean after that little incident that happened today I was mind blown.  

I entered the lounge and saw that there were no other teachers in there. Matter of fact the lights seemed to be off. I shrugged my shoulders then turned the light on. Only thing is, when I did turn the light on Miss. Hann there. Oh how great.  

"Uh, well hello." I said a little unsure of what to do. She just smiled and giggled then walked over to me as her heels clicked on the tile floor.  

"You know, that little session we had earlier really did help me with my teacher.....although what's teaching without a little practicing." She said as her fingers slid down to the top of my belt. I felt myself to begin to grow hot a little.

She then gently placed her lips gently on mine. I kissed her back and without even thinking I picked her up and slammed her roughly into a wall. She instantly wrapped her legs around me then threw her arms around my neck then she kissed me roughly and slid her tongue in. I could feel my "friend" getting happier by the moment. I can't believe I'm even doing this. I slid my hands up and down her thigh. She didn't seem to mind but I was really starting to enjoy the moment. I then undid her shirt and threw it somewhere so that she was now in her bra and skirt. I pulled away from the kiss and looked her body up and down. She looked beautiful, I really honestly couldn't help myself, but I really should I kept having this weird feeling.   

We were now on the whole long table with just our under clothes on. I was on top of her kissing her neck. Making sure to leave a hickey. She was really good at this and damn had me begging back for more. I pulled her closer to me and I started to rub my hand along the curves of her body. God, she felt like a soft ass pillow or some shit. I kissed her again. But this time for some reason she was trying to push my off of her. I didn't want this to end and since I'm stronger than her I pushed her arms away. I then began to kiss along her collar bone and neck again. Next I started to tug at her panties. I could already feel how wet she was, yet she was still trying push me off of her.   

I was still trying to get it in with her but out of no where I could feel some weird vibe. I mean I couldn't quite figure out the problem but I was still trying to focus on her. I looked up at her a bit to see her wearing a worried look. That made me for some reason look around. But once I did I didn't want to look again.  

I looked up and saw our whole staff and falcality members just standing there watching us. Then out of no where the Principal of the school came out of the crowd of people staring in awe. I knew this was the end for my small teacher affair and my career.

Sorry if it's a little short.....but this was suggested by @AndereaEarls....

Leave any suggestions if you want and I'll make a dedication page soon so I can give people who gave me suggestions credit, but as for right now let me know what you think so far....

What if...........(Chris brown story)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang