Chapter 1

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I was just a child in my island when the human race found out vampires existed. We were so scared that the human race banded together regardless of our race, religion, ethnicity, etc., to fight against the vampires.

Vampires. Those blood suckers. Mosquitoes. Flea bags. It was like they keep multiplying as if they were fleas.

Soon, the war became out of control. My father join the Human resistance and went around the world to fight off the Vampire Army. Our bullets and machinery were no match against their powers. Many humans have lost their lives in the fight, including my father. The vampires used their powers to fight against us, destroy buildings, take over cities, and sink islands.

My island of Puerto Rico was at risk. I was five years old when cruise ships volunteered to help evacuate the island and retrieve woman and children. My brother, Jacob, was with me. He was 15 years old. Before we got on the boat, my mother gave us a locket. She broke the locket in half and attached another chain to the other.

"No matter where you are, we will always be together." She said with her beautiful Spanish accent. She made sure we boarded the ship first. It was full and not one more person could get on the ship of 1,000 people.

She gave us a kiss and a hug goodbye. I was a little girl as I started to cry out for my mother. At such a young age, it was traumatizing for me to understand everything. My family never held back telling us what was going on with the world at this point in our lives. Before our mother could get on the ship, the Vampire troops came onto the island at lightening speed grabbing any human who was on land. I screamed out for my mother, and Jacob called out to her as well. The ship started move once the vampires were on land. There were screams of terror and so much blood. We begged the employees to stop, but nobody heard our pleas.

"Mom!" Jacob screamed over the railing. "Run mom! Jump!"

"Mommy! Don't go mommy!" Suddenly three vampires used their powers and strength grabbing my mother and killing her in an instant after breaking her neck and drinking her blood.

I screamed in horror. I never forgot my mother's last words, kids and hug. Most of all I never forgot as we headed into the ocean and our island blew up as we left our mother behind.

The only family I had left was Jacob.

Then I woke up.....

"Let's go blood bags!" A vampire guard woke up hundreds of humans from their sleep. I woke up from there sorry floor of my dark cement cell.

My name is Bianca. I am now 22 years old and I have been a slave since I was 10. I was taken away from Jacob at such a young age.

The guard smirked at me and showed his fangs to me.

"I'm gonna miss you blood bag. You're my favorite..... your boss is the sweetest." With my dirty, ripped up clothes and shackles on my feet, I stepped back and over there dirty hey. He just chuckled darkly and opened the cell.

He grabbed my hair and pulled me out of the cell shackling me into a line. I had no idea what was happening. I have lived in a cage half of my life. I looked around as hundreds of slaves and myself were heading into the night and we're made to walk for miles until we have reached a mansion. This mansion was the most beautiful I have ever seen. We made it to a tent where there were some blood suckers.

Oh God. An auction. I was going to be sold. I quickly looked around to find a familiar face in the crowd. My brother was taken as a slave as well. I touched the broken locket that I wore all my life. They pushed us to the back of the stage and sit. Each of us were waiting to be auctioned off like live stock. An older woman in her 40s looked to me.

"Your first time being auctioned my dear?" She asked me.

"No talking!" One of the guards yelled at us. I looked to the woman and nodded yes. She saw me shaking and held my hand smiling softly at me assuring me that it will be okay. She had the most beautiful smile I have seen in years. The guard walked away leaving us alone. I looked around and flipped the broken locket around. It was a picture of my brother Jacob. Jacob has a picture of me with him. I showed the kind lady the picture.

"Do you know where he is?" I whispered as quietly and softly as I could.

"No......I'm sorry. I never saw him before." One of the guards pulled her away from me and dragged her on stage.After 2 minutes, I waited for her to come back. It was sad that she was sold to the highest bidder. One by one I saw very few of the humans in the stock be sold. Soon it was about to be dawn. The guard who constantly abuses me dragged me up by my hair, I yelped in extreme pain. The vampire nipped my neck and licked my blood chuckling.

"Delicious. We're gonna get big money off of you." My eyes started to water as he pulled me into the tent and threw me on the stage floor and getting me up to make me stand. The crowd chuckled at the embarassing moment for me.

"Well.....that was quite an entrance." The host said with a smirk. He extracted his fangs as he chuckled with the crowd. "We have a treat for you tonight ladies and gentleman. Here we have a human from the deceased island of Puerto Rico. One of the very few with Sweet Blood. Positive AB." Many of the vampires leaned in seeming intrigued." As we know, this blood bag is hard to locate in the world. She cooks, cleans, and runs away from time to time. So if you like to play a game of cat and mouse....well......" He laughed with the audience. "Have fun. We would like to start the bidding at $500."




Pretty soon the bid went as high as $500,000.

"Going once!" I gulped as the announcer was about to close the deal. "Going twice!"

"$10,000,000!" Everybody gasped and yelled opposing the deal. A man smirked coming up front with two large briefcases. His eyes were deepest chocolate brown. His hair was a luscious black.

Fuck this cannot be the blood sucker who is buying me.

"Sold to....."

"Michael Jackson."

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