Chapter 7

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"I want you to sell her to me." Edward stated to Michael as they headed downstairs. Michael growled and showed his fangs to strike fear into his cold soul.


"Come come Michael. Is that how you are going to treat me after our history together?"

"I want to forget it. You made me suffer and forget my human life. Forget my wife."

"Then you can forget about your slave then. How much did you pay for her?" $10 million?"

"I'm not having this conversation with your ass."

"I'll offer you $15 million."

"I said no!"

"You will not disrespect your maker!"

I was finally in my own room with my own tv and a feast. I was in the most comfiest clothes and felt so much better. My body and my marks, bruises, and cuts were gone. I ate my entire pizza and the rest of the food. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door.

"Come in!" I said happily. Percila the maid came in with dessert. "Ms. Percila I didn't order any dessert."

"No you didn't but Master Jackson did. They are just for you. It is a chocolate brownie with chocolate chips and ice cream on top with chocolate chip cookie crumbles with caramel and chocolate syrup drizzle." There I went again. My mouth began to water and I was licking my lips.

"Oh........oh my God.....that's for me?"

"All for you." She smiled handing me the dessert. Percila was so sweet and kind to me. I just stared at her and smiled holding the plate in such a comfy bed. She tucked me in to make sure I was warm on a cold night. "Why are you staring deary? Is there something wrong?" She asked sweetly.

"You remind me of her."


"My...... My mother." She stopped and started to sit down next to me.

"I do not. I am just a simple vampire."

"Did you........did you use to use to have children Ms. Percila?"

"I......I had one son.......Patrick. He was in the Confederate army during the War."

"The Civil War?"

"That's right." She smiled as she spoke about how brave her son was. "Oh you would've loved him. You would've been a perfect match for him. He would've married you in a heartbeat." We both laughed a bit suddenly having girl talk. "He was a very handsome man. He loved women. All kinds apparently." I snickered and smiled and I had an unknown tear roll down my face.

"I wish I can still......believe in love? For us slaves it doesn't exist."

"Maybe it still does. You are just afraid my dear. I can see your truly have suffered." I hugged my knees and cried softly. "My darling. This is your home now. There is nothing in Antarctica. Your brother.....I'm sure to not there." I broke down softly and Ms. Percila hugged me knowing my life and my past in one touch. I wanted to run. Now I am stuck.

Later that day, I managed to sleep on vampire time once more. I dreamt of many random things but my neither never left my mind. I kept dreaming of the past.

Suddenly, I was in a dark room. I was enclosed. I saw large eyes. Blue icicles.

'Bianca!' A sharp shriek yelled out to me and I gasped getting up from my dream.

That voice sounded so evil and sharp. I laid back down and sniffled softly so nobody could hear me, apparently it didn't work when Edward walked through the door.

"My dear. Whats wrong?" He asked sweetly. I turned around to see him and I wiped my eyes.

"Nothing.......I-I'm fine."

"No you are not.......I can sense emotions. Read minds. You are scared."

"Master Edward......I......I....." I shook my head. "I had a horrible dream. So horrible that I can not speak. Blue eyes.......they were large and I was and there was ice everywhere." I started to pant feeling scared. He felt so bad for me. He sat next to me as I rocked myself to calm down but Edward's strong muscles wrapped around my body.

"Nothing will ever happen to you." He said. "Starting tomorrow will live with me"

"What? You?"

"You will live likea queen."

"But Master Jackson. What did he-"

"He sold you to me my dear. Honestly you're safer with me."

I did feel safer in Edward's arms. I didn't want to be afraid anymore. This vampire took the best care of me.

"I'll leave with you on one condition." He listened very carefully. "You will help me find my brother."

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