Chapter 6

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"Master Jackson! I-" His slap across my face echoed throughout the entire room and he made my lip bleed. He was so angry he slapped me one more time knocking me onto the floor. I didn't know Master Jackson was so powerful. I cried and crawled away from the abuse.

"You think you can leave me?!" Master put out his hand like Darth Vader and began choking me. It was a horrible feeling. I couldn't breath or gasp. I couldn't even beg for air. I just wanted to feel the sun. That was all. I was kicking and swigging my legs as I was being lifted into the air.

After not breathing, he threw me against the wall breaking a vase and cutting my back. My blood and my scent was everywhere. I cried in pain and with whatever strength I had, I grabbed a broken piece of glass and cut your face. Your screech was loud and you grabbed my hair dragging me across the floor.

"You're going to regret that slave! You are!" He dragged me into a secret room lit with only candles. He flipped me like a rag doll and I gasped seeing the coffin.

"N-no! Please!"

"Shut up!" He used his strong powers to open the coffin door. He continued to drag me towards the coffin and be threw me in. "This is where ypu will be staying until I see you fit to leave here!"

"Michael please!" He showed no mercy once the red eyes I saw were gone and I was in complete darkness.

When I called him by his name, Michael stopped for a minute. He has not had a woman call him by his first name in more than 1,000 years. He shivered and shook his head to get my voice out of his head.

Soon, there was a knock at the door and when he opened it, he was surprised to see his best friend Edward Addison.

"My dear Friend. How are you?" He chuckled and shook Michael's hand.

"Tired as hell Eddy. What the hell have you been up to?"

"Prowling through the night hunting escapees. I heard there are refugees in Antarctica. Too cold for us vampires I should say." Edward chuckled heading into the den and grabbing a glass of red negative O. "Would you like a glass?"

"Mix it up with whiskey. This new human is driving me insane." He laughed and fixed up your order just the way you like it.

"I'm sure she isn't that bad."

"She is an islander. Puerto Rican her file says. Sweet blood with no experience and no proper training. She is a virgin and a possible future escapee." Michael stated all the important and negative facts about me while Edward took a sip of drink and put down his now empty glass.

"Point me to her direction. I'll take care of her." Michael looked at Edward curiously.

"Later. Right now she is throwing a temper tantrum." They just laughed at the torturous humor. I was scared and having the worst panic attack.

Hours have passed by after I was put in the coffin. I was dark and so closed in. Before this became a bloody world it is, I remember my mother saying that she always wished to be cremated instead of being buried. I see that she was right. I was crying so much. I was so young when all this happened to me. I closed my wet eyes thinking about my brother Jacob. It calmed me down just a little but not wnouvh, but then I remembered going to church every Sunday. I smiled and sniffled. My prayer.

"Father. Protect my family and me. Never let us go. Forgive us and watch over us. We love you Jesus and we know you love us. Amen."

Just at that very moment I saw a pair of blue eyes open the coffin. The harsh artificial lighting burned my eyes and I immediately covered them. I heard Edward chuckle and glance over my body then he over shadow my face. He pulled my arms down and he seemed mesmerized.

His stare hypnotized me in a way. He flashed a sexy smile.

"Hello darling." He said in a kind tone. Master Jackson never spoke to me like that before let alone......stared at me with admiration. He noticed I was bruised on both sides of my face and my lip was badly damaged. "May I help you out of this place and let you get cleaned up?" I gulped and gripped the edge of the coffin not sure if I should trust him or not. "Please miss. Accept my help. I promise I wont lay a finger on you except to help you out of this coffin." I didn't know I started to cry again. He wiped a tear away from my cheek.

"O-okay." I stuttered.

When I tried to sit up, my body ached and I yelped in pain.

"Wait." Edward said as he carefully wrapped his arms around my body, then lift me up. He never once put me down, even when we passed by you heading up the stairs to my bedroom. Michael followed us all the way to my room, but I was already scared of these bloodsuckers as it is; however Edward was sweet. As he was carrying me, I felt protected a bit but i never knew his name.

He set me down on the corner of the bathtub and smirked at me.

"Just relax. Get cleaned up. Im going to send up send medicine to make you feel better......then I want you to sleep. Okay? Do you need anything else to make you feel more comfortable?" Edward asked me. I fidget aand played with my nails a bit.

"Umm.... I'm very hungry....... Do think I can eat in my room?"

"Oh God." I heard Michael scoff and glared at me while shaking his head.

"Of course you can darling. What would you like to eat?" He smiled at kindly and I blushed. Michael's eyes widened with anger.

"Fuck no you are not! She eats once a day! That's it!" I immediately put my head down feeling frightened.

"Just like you can't control your hunger she cant control hers." Edward glared at Michael heatedly and he stared back with anger. As he glared down at Michael he came over to me then turned his eyes to mine. "You can eat whenever you want. Now what would would you like to eat?"

"Um..... Pizza? Big fat pizza? With.....extra cheese and.....and mozzarella sticks with marinera sauce and......" My face began to lit up like a child who saw their favorite super hero or princess.

"Our got that all covered. Relax. Get cleaned up. And-"

"Excuse me Master Addison. Here is the V blood you asked for." The maid interuppted us for a good reason.

"Ah! Yes. Thank Percila. Oh and if you would be so kind......" He used his powers to pick up a pencil and write on a paper and float it to Percila. "Please give this to the chef."

She accepted and left. Edward turned to me giving me a pill filled with V blood.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Poison." Michael spat out. They bpth heard me gulp. Edward placed his big hand on my fragile warm hand.

"It's vampire blood. Our goverment approved vampire donors to make pur blood into a medicine for humans who are sick or injured. This is the recommended dosage. Take one and in the next five minutes you will feel better." He kissed my cheek and pushed Michael to head out room with him.

"Master Addison?" He stopped and turned to me. "Thank you." He smirked at me and Michael rolled his eyes and stormed out of the room. I never saw him so angry before.

"You're welcome Bianca." I almost forgot I had a name. He made me smile again and he chuckled. "By the way, my name is Edward darling. You have a good morning." He shut the door but didnt lock it. Was it morning again? It has been hours. I'm usually used to vamp hours but......

it's nice to feel human.

It's nice to see the sun like a human.

It's nice to talk to someone like a human.

Most of all.....

It's nice to be treated like a lady.

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