Chapter 4

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I was helping my brother sharping one of hunting knives. We were living in the desert in Mexico. There was a refugee camp and any survivor was welcome.

"Be careful Bianca. I don't want you to-"

"Ow!" I cried and held my finger tightly. My brother, who was ten years older than me, came to my rescue. One drop of blood, and we were in trouble. Jacob grabbed the first aid kit. He quickly took me to the river to wash off the blood and put stitches in my finger. I continued to cry at the pain but he consoles me stay calm.

"It hurts." I whimpered.

"I know baby sis. But now you know to be careful and not too sharpen too fast." He put in the last stitch and kissed my booboo. He wrapped it up with a bandage then put away all the stuff. He picked me up like a light feather.

"Why do we have to hide?" I asked softly.

"Because. My... The bloodsuckers are taking over...... We're safe here Bianca. You have to realize that."

"I miss home."

"I miss home too.... But you know what? As long as we got each other..... We'll always be home." I smiled hugging Jacob tightly.

Suddenly, it was getting dark. Jacob got us back to the camp safe and sound. We had fresh water fish for dinner which you can eat raw or cooked. In the desert, it gets extremely cold at night. Jacob always made sure that I was warm during the night and made sang me the same lullaby that mommy used to sing to us. We lived in a cave away from the outside of the desert.

"Jacob.... when can we go out at night?" I asked in a soft whisper.

"I told you sis...... Never. It's too dangerous. The vampires...... That's when they wake and feed."

"Why are they doing this?"

"Because they're natural monsters. Monsters can hurt people like us. I don't want you to worry about a thing. I promise Mami and papi that I will protect you. Nothing will ever happen to you."

"What if...... You're not with me anymore?"

"I'll always be with you sis. Bianca...... You will always find me...... In Antarctica."

"Antarctica? Where's that?"

"At the bottom of the world. Where all humans can feel free and no vampires wouldn't dare touch that land. It's sanctuary."

"Like.... The Hunchback of Notre Dame?"

"Exactly. When he claimed sanctuary in the house of God, he felt safe and add if no one can touch him."

"Then let's go."

"One day."

We felt cold blood run under us, and in the cave we saw red eyes.

"Sweet blood....." The vampire laughed evilly and growled. I screamed and Jacob quickly picked me up and ran to the emergency exit of the cave. We ran as fast as we could out of the cave and into the night begging followed by ten vampires. We were the only survivors from the refugee camp. One of the vampires used their powers to cause my brother pain and drop me. I got near my brother once more crying and screaming trying to make him stop playing and get up.

"Jacob! Jacob!!! Get up! We gotta go! Jacob!"

"Grab them! You! Take the man! I'll take the girl!" The vampire who have the order was the same vampire who abused me.

"No!!!! Jacob! Save me!!!" They started to drag us sweet bloods away then threw me in the back of the truck.

I woke up and gasped.

"Jacob." I was panting and crying. I tried to grasp my necklace but it wasn't there. I looked assertions seeing that I want in the basement. I want shackled. My necklace fine. I was angry and my weakness became strength. I got put out of bed and collapsed to my knees. I kept mumbling to myself.

"My necklace. Where is it? Where? Where?" Suddenly, I saw it dangling in front of my face.

"Looking for this pet?" Master Jackson asked me coyly. I angrily tried to grab the necklace back but he lifted it up higher. He just chuckled as I looked like a cat playing with a toy.

"Give it back!"

"Oh you want this? This piece of shit? Or do you want......." He made my necklace disappear and made another gorgeous one appear on my neck. "I believe that suits my slave well." I looked in the mirror and cried. I shook my head as I saw my dried up bloody down now become wet with my tears of sadness.

"No! I want my necklace back!" I grabbed the strength to get up and hold onto the bed with one hand and slap you with the other. "I hate this necklace! Go ahead! Chain me! Beat me! Drain me dry! I don't care...... Give me back my necklace......"

"It's broken-"

"It doesn't matter!" I threw the necklace he gave me in house face. I buried my face in the bed. My locket was gone right before my very eyes. That was the only heirloom left I had of my brother.

Master Jackson stared at me and said not one word. He walked out of the room and sighed shaking his head.

"Fuck me. Fuck me. Now I gotta look for that fucking necklace."

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