Chapter 5

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Michael tried to figure out where he disappeared the broken locket to. He sometimes disappears things to a random place and he just leaves out where it is at. He looks in the office. His extra rooms. His basement. The kitchen. He had no idea where my necklace literally disappeared to.

It was dawn and the sun was about to come to up. He had one more place to look and it was at the stables. He took out his umbrella and walked out feeling his skin burn. He walked into the horse stables and stepped on horse feces. He groaned and shook his foot in disgust.

"Fucking human. Fucking bitch. I shouldn't be lowering myself to this. I'm trying to be fucking nice to her. I should've killed her. She's rude. Disrespectful. An annoying little..... Piece of-" Soon he tripped over another stack of hey and feces and landed on his back in pee. "Fuck!" In that position, he noticed a small gold chain dangling from the ceiling. He couldn't help but smile. "There you are."

He got up as he grabbed onto his horse for support and jumped up and grabbed the bloody locket. "Other than me, this needs to be cleaned."

I continued to cry on the bed as he came in the room and went straight to the bathroom. I looked up at him and cringed my gave in disgust.

"What the hell is that smell?!"

"Shut up Bianca!" He said in a frustrating voice. He risked going out into the sun for me and I didn't even know about it. Word thing is, neither did he. I shivered when he said my name. I just couldn't help but smile. Of course, I quickly wiped it off when Master Jackson came out in just a towel.

"Clothes slaves." He ordered. He snapped his fingers and sent me to his closet. I quickly did as he said with my head down. I noticed alot of suits. Most of the suits I saw were black, white, and red. I touched the delicate fabric smiling. I was suddenly startled by his voice. "Hurry up slave!" I chose a black suit and hurried to give it to my master. He looked pissed as he lifted his head up to me. "Are you stupid?!" I sadly put my head down shaking my head no. "I asked for clothes! Pajamas! It's day! I'm going to fucking sleep! You don't fucking listen! You're a worthless stupid piece of shit that is nothing else but a slave!" I let a tear fall and I ran to the drawers and went to find you some pajamas. He grew annoyed and threw the suit at me then the towel. "Fuck it. I'll sleep commando. I expect when I wake up dinner will be set for me." He made a small scratch on my neck making it bleed. I ran out of the room crying feeling helpless and worthless about my own life.

I had a plan and add much as it was going to get me killed, I had to get out. I had to runaway. He took away the only prized possession which made me feel whole and human. My locket. As I thought all of this through.......

"Jamal Come to my room please." He said through the intercom. Jamal was the most craziest vampires I have met yet. He flashed his fangs glaring at me with his red evil eyes as I was baffled up on there floor against the wall. I backed up more and looked away feeling scared and he laughed. He walked into the room where Master Jackson was waiting in bed. He was playing with my necklace memorizing Jacob's picture.

"Yes sir? What can I do for you?" Jamal asked. Michael took a while before answering and sighed. He figured what might be so special about this necklace.

"When night fall comes, takes this necklace to be cleaned and shined."

He handed Jamal the necklace who had a strange look on his face. He didn't understand why Master Jackson wanted him to go send this broken locket to be cleaned. However, whatever the boss says goes.

"Sure boss. Whatever you say."

After he left, master feel asleep and I moved the curtain slightly feeling the ray of sun against my skin. I couldn't help but smile and close my eyes remembering the beautiful sun that would best against me while I would be the beach back on my island. How I remember sweating so much from the running and playing at school. I opened my eyes.

Maybe I didn't need to run away but I do need to get some sun. I looked back at my Master and quietly left the room. I went down into the kitchen and opened up the door feeling the warm, sunny, spring breeze hit my face. I took one step outside and smile. I took of my shoes and let my toes play in the grass. I just ran and played.



Feeling like I can conquer my own world and no one else can take it.

Then I found the best thing yet.

"A pool?" I laughed diving in while splashing and kicking around. I have not been in a pool since I was a small child. This day made me forget all of my problems. It made me relax and have a clear mind. Then I can come up with a great escape plan, find Jacob, and go to Antarctica.

Then I thought, 'What if it's he gone? What if I can't find him? What if he doesn't remember me and he went to Antarctica without me? Or worse...... What if he's dead?'

I suddenly felt somebody pull me back into the house. The force dragged out of the pool and I whimpered trying to stop myself from coming into the mansion.

"Agh! Bianca!!!!! Get your fucking ass up here! You think you can leave me?!" With his strong powers, I was dragged across the floor and up the stairs all while Michael was still in his room. It was like a horror movie.

Oh shit.

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