Chapter 9

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I have finally convinced Michael to join me on a journey to find my brother. In exchange.....

My life.

My blood.

I was willing to submit to him as my master and not resist, only if I get to see my brother.

However Michael had a few question of how I escaped from the other vampires so easily.

"You sent the horse off?" He asked as we walked down the stream. Hearing the rushing water was making me nervous. It seemed strong, yet I calm to be around the water. Especially around a full moon. "But the guards didn't catch you? Vampires cannot smell other mythical creatures."

"What are you saying?"

"How well do you know your family's history?" I looked at him and shrugged. All I knew was that I came from a family of four. Father. Mother. And of course Jacob.

"All humans. Parents dead. Brother missing."

"What if your blood........was not human blood? Maybe thats why your blood is addicting to us vampires. It's like crack or heroine to a human."

"I don't believe that bullshit. I am human. I am staying human. So whatever crazy ass theory you have of how I easily managed to escape pathetic vampires, I just dont believe it."

"It is a big deal when you escaped the King of the Vampire race. Edward Addison is no ordinary vampire. He controls all vampires. The entire world. We can control mythical creatures. We can glamour them but we can't feed on them. It will make us crazy."

"Like more crazy than what you already are?" I smirked at you and laughed.

"No wonder you were punished so many times at the slave corral. Its that fucking mouth of yours."

"My brother always told me to fight. Thats what I'm gonna do until the day I die. So all those whippings and beatings were worth it. Now let me ask you something." I stopped by a cave and you sat on a rock. "Why me?"

He stared at me and groaned taking out a cigarette from the box he had in his pocket.

"Why did I buy you?" I nodded and gulped. "It was when I was 30 years old. Human. That was my last year as a mortal human. Full of life. I was a warrior. A knight."

I did the quick calculation in my brain. Michael was now 1000 years old. This story happened 970 years ago........

1046 A. D. England.......

Michael was a normal man living in the castle, as one of the most fiercest knights in the King's army,  he had many women call for his attention. Especially the beautiful princess. She was an exotic beautiful of Brian jaye and blue eyes. Her brown skin looked sweeter than the fine fruits given at the banquets. Giselle was the royal's name.

He competed in tournaments across the kingdom. He found his status rushing but nothing made feel complete or happy. He needed to share his life with someone. Even though he caught the attention of the Princess Giselle of England he did not feel anything for her at all.

One day he went tho Spain for the jousting tournament. As he was on his horse, he saw a beauty by a farm picking crops. He stopped his horse and gulped while he tab his fingers through his hair.

Beautiful long black hair. Golden tan skin. Brown eyes that look to have a fire or desire in them. Pink pouty lips. He ran his horse over to her and scooped her up in his arm and onto the horse. He stopped when she yelled. He calmed her down with a soothing loving stroke on the cheek.

"Tell me your name." He said while She looked into his eyes.

"For what reason good knight."

"So that I may call you mine."

"My name is Valentina."

"Valentina....... I'm Michael."

She did not care that he was a noble, and he did not mind that she was a peasant. Michael would give up his life at the castle to be with his love Valentina.

The king recognized the love they both had. They married by the power invested in the king. Months passed by, Michael was guarding the King as they all were travelling to another kingdom in Scotland. It was beginning to get dark and the aren't and you set up camp for the king. Nightfall came.......

He heard a strong chuckle. A frightening one. Michel and his men looked around holding a fire stand.

Michael heard a growl and he automatically took out his long shining sword.

"Did you hear that?" A young knight asked him. Their eyes were blinded by the night itself.

"Yes I did." Michael responded. He was not the only one who heard the grows like a panther hunting prey.



They heard one of their men scream. Some ran towards the scream while others investigated.

"It was a demon!"

"The devil is here!"

"God have mercy on our- Aghhhh!!!" More screams came and ask Michael could do was think about Valentina. He had to leave. He found his horse and rode off into the trail but he was not fast enough for these demons. He was pushed off his horse and he was under the foot of a man with blue eyes.

"I love chasing my meals but you......seem very different. You're a fighter." He stuck out his fangs and licked then slowly. "I will train you well."

He dove his teeth into your skin letting you feel your soul leave."

Present day.........

"Valentina was married to the Prince a year later. I wasn't there when she became queen. Her eyes.......they brought me peace. I saw you.......your eyes. They looked just like hers."

It made sense. Michael didn't wasn't me to leave because I looked so much like his wife. He gets angry with me remembering his past.

"I'm not Valentina. I'm Bianca." I knelt in front of you.

"I know.......Bianca.......forgive me." He caressed my cheek and looked into my eyes. "I didn't know how to let her go. I didn't want you to leave my side. Edward changed me. Took me away from my wife. I didn't want him to change you. To kill you. To claim you."


"No......please. You are mine. Understand that princess. Only mine."

The sun was rising and I heard his skin sizzling.

"We should get inside the cave."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2016 ⏰

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