Chapter 2

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That was my master's name. He snapped his fingers and his men came over to me. I pushed them away and tried to fight back. They eventually grabbed me and dragged me away. Michael smirk disappeared when he saw me fight back. His eyes were dark and cold. He knew I was going to be trouble for him, but all he had to do was glamour me and have control over me in everything I do.

The vampires from my new master threw me into the limo. I screamed for them to let me go. I cursed and screamed at them telling them that they were nothing. I still wore my dirty tattered clothes with dried up blood on few spots.

The announcer was speaking to Michael quickly and precisely making the exchange.

"Master Jackson. I am so sorry for the inconvenience of the human blood bag."

"It is alright." Michael said smirking at him as he signed the documentation for ownership. "She will be trained under my care. I will punish her for her behavior. Not to worry." They both chuckled and shook hands after the announcer gave Michael the original ownership papers. He walked to his limo and frowned hearing me scream.

"We're sorry sir." One of his guards said. "We tried to shut her up but-"

"I'll handle her." He said. He forcefully opened the door and glared at me with red eyes then hissed. "Silence!" I gasped moving to a corner of the limo frightened by his appearance. "I said shut up! You will listen to me!" I was panting and let out a small whimper then I felt a slap to my face. I held my face and tried to keep my cried to a minimum. "That was for not listening. When we get home, you will regret about that little display you pulled at the auction." I wiped my eyes to not show my weakness. I held my locket in my hand.

We drove up into the mountains and all I saw was a waterfall and thick trees. Soon we made it to this large mansion on a hill. It was dark on this side of the mountain and I just didn't want to leave the limo. Michael... I mean Master grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me out of the limo. I hissed in pain as I felt like he was crushing my arm. He didn't show any care, them again no vampire does. We made it to this dark basement and I tried to pull away again. He pulled me to him and extracted his fangs.

"Slave don't you dare..... You are already in deep trouble." He dragged me downstairs and pushed me to the floor making my knee scrape slightly. "Now I was going to get you a room upstairs with me but I see you still need training. You want to embarrass me?" He slapped me in the face making me cry. "You wanna fight?!" He punched the other side of my face. He had used his powers to force chains around my hands and ankles. They were so tight I thought I was going to bleed. I cried out loud from the extreme pain. Master took in a deep breath and chuckled closing his eyes. "Sweet blood..... Delicious....." He pinned me against the floor with his large foot. It was constricting my chest making me cough and gasped for air.


"I said silence! Pathetic human. She still needs air to breath... " He dove into my neck slicing my skin apart. Each time a vampire feeds from me it is painful as hell, however, this boys sucking mosquito seems to be more agonizing.

I heard him groan as blood drained into his mouth and down his throat. I cried and begged for this monster to stop. It was so painful, that I felt like I was going to pass out. Soon my cold, wet bloody clothes stuck to my dirty skin and my screams minimized. My eyes looked away in a daze and I closed my eyes blacking out from the episode of blood loss. Master chuckled and got up licking his lips and his fingers.

He licked my wounds to heal it and stop the bleeding. He left me in the basement, locked the door, and went to sleep for the day.

At night, I groaned feeling soreness around my body. I felt I couldn't wake up. I gathered enough strength to crawl to my tiny mirror. I cried when I saw my bruised face. My dirty hair. My bloody clothes. What happened to me being a happy girl? My heart stopped hearing the basement door open. One of the guards came down and gave me bread and water. It was honestly the best bread I had in a while. Actually years. The voice stood there watching me. I finished meal and he unshackled me then took me upstairs. He pushed me into a bathroom.

"Clean up." He said then shut the door. I looked at the fresh silk gown and hair products. I saw fresh comfortable flats for me to wear.

"How did he know my size?" I asked myself quietly as I grabbed a towel and turned on the shower. I turned it on to hot and lathered myself. The scene reminded me of home. I touched my necklace once more crying softly. People told me Jacob is dead. I think it is a lie.

"I will find you brother."

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