18 \ C A N D Y

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18 [c a n d y]

later that night.


". . . Ash? Are you there?"

"Charlotte? It's midnight, why are you calling me?"

"I-I need you to pick me up, if you can. Please pick me up."

"Jesus, you're crying really hard. Charlotte, what the hell happened? I swear, if Nick ditched you--"

"Can you just pick me up?"

"Are you sure you want to see me? Absolutely positive, because I-I know we haven't met in person yet--"

"I don't care. Please, Ash, I need your help."

"Okay, take a deep breath and tell me where you are, love. It's going to be alright, okay? Hold on."

"I-I think the address is 743 Warner Street. The Red Barn. T-That might be wrong. Oh, hell."

"Don't worry, everything will be just fine. I'm on my way there as fast as I can."

"Please hurry."


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