Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kickass, or any characters involved with the movies or comics

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Disclaimer: I do not own Kickass, or any characters involved with the movies or comics. I just want to write a story. :)

As she fell, it was like a slideshow being presented in my mind. Every second felt like hours, every breath I took seemed harder to take in. I guessed it was due to her fall, as she neared the ground, I neared death as well. At least, inside, I felt just as she did, lying there in a puddle of blood, dismantled, every bone in her body broken into twos and threes and fours. I didn't react, I just stood there on the edge of that cruel building that once supported my very existence, but also brought it to an end. I felt nothing as I observed her fall.

And then, minutes, maybe hours after her body collided with the earth, I felt everything.

Tears kept coming and coming, and tears were not normal for me. I was Red Mist. I was Chris. And super-villains do not feel.

So why did I feel everything? That very question made it seem as if there was something wrong with me; and it made me furious.

Rage took over almost as soon as the tears came. And I screamed. In agony, in pain. Inhumanely. I screamed so that the world could know, there was nothing left to hurt me with. She was gone.

She...was gone.

She is gone, and I'm still here. I'm here.

Why was I here?

Shouldn't I be there, on the concrete in a pool of blood and bones? It was my spinal chord that should have been snapped in half like a popsicle stuck. Mine.

It was me who deserved that such fate. It was me who deserved nothing less than to land in a heap of gore and bloody fabric.

Oh dear god, so why is it her?

Why is it her?


Eventually I got off that forsaken roof. I don't know how, because I honestly wanted to jump myself. I went home, where no one was waiting for me. I had nothing left.

It was pretty twisted that my dad was blown up by a bazooka, and my mother was electrocuted (by my own accords.)

I already had guilt on my plate piled a mile high. I hold myself responsible for their deaths, and now, I hold myself responsible for hers too.

This much grief can't be good for my heart. I had thought that being a villain would make these feelings disappear, would make me forget the painful things.

I don't think this much weed is good for my heart either. I realized being villainous doesn't do shit. Drugs, on the other hand... those made me feel good. Great even. I don't feel any remorse for my parents' bitter endings.

But she's still there.

No matter how much I smoke, how many shots I take, I can't get that bitch out of my head.

She knew ending her life would inflict wounds in me that wouldn't ever heal properly, if they even healed.


I thought the villain was supposed to be the emotionless, empty vessel with only a ravenous thirst for revenge and bloodshed and malice.

But I am over-flowing with emotion; rage, grief, regret, guilt, and the list could go on.

So that was were I was wrong. The villain isn't cold hearted or dead inside. The villain is so full of emotions, the bad emotions, the ones that give you night terrors and make you wish you were dead, so full of those negative emotions that they have no choice but to unleash it.

To unleash the rage that boiled within me, to extract revenge for my mom and my dad.

I know it was her own fault. She did this to me, not kickass or anyone else. But I wanted so badly to believe that it wasn't her, that she didn't jump by choice. That instead, she was forced to end me, by ending herself.

A/N: Helloo!! I just decided to make a red mist fanfic, I recently re-watched the movies and came up with an OC (I still ship kickass and red mist more though hehe) but just a warning: SHE IS DEAD! THIS IS NOT IN ANY WAY A HAPPY STORY! If you are easily triggered by themes such as suicide, drugs, alcohol, or violence then I'd suggest to stop reading, I don't want anyone to feel they have to keep reading if they feel uncomfortable with it.

Anyways, with all that aside, I'm really excited for this story, and I hope that I can stick with it and make a great lil' story. :)

Any support is SO appreciated!!


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