Chapter 2

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Kickass, Red Mist, or any characters affiliated with it! Just here to get creative and make a story

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DISCLAIMER: I do not own Kickass, Red Mist, or any characters affiliated with it! Just here to get creative and make a story. :) 

"Red Mist!"

I spun around on my heels and was forced to quickly dodge a throwing knife, missing my head by only an inch.

"What do you want this time? You already beat my ass. Just let me go home and think of how much of a failure I am now, okay? I get it, no more crime and stuff. Blah blah blah. But I'm tired of this, I can't beat you, and you can't beat me, we're evenly matched. It's exhausting, really, and-"

"Dude, I want to join you."



I was baffled. After all those months of constantly beating each other up, constantly trying to inflict damage on the other, day after day of being faced with an angry girl in a spandex bodysuit claiming I killed her family; after all that time, she chose now to attempt to befriend me.

"Y-you what? You want to join me?"

My voice came out squeakily, although I intended to sound tough. Super-villains were supposed to sound tough, with deep voices and smooth comebacks. After all, she was a pretty decent fighter, and if she wanted to join me, I'd want her to be impressed by every aspect of myself.

The truth was, I needed someone like her. A sidekick.

Someone who can fight like a badass, and someone who I can count on.

I could count on her to slaughter all my enemies, but then I'd also be counting on her to stab me in the back after she did so. So...not accountable.

I mean, after all, she was my supposed worst enemy. She could slit my throat as we speak, if she really wanted.

"Yeah, that's what I said. I think we'd accomplish more if we worked as a team rather than being sworn enemies."

In my mind, Red Mist was thinking, "Hell yeah! Having a hot chick as a sidekick? That's the definition of badass!"

But Chris was thinking, "This is the girl that somehow knew everything about Red Mist (except his identity), the girl that once slowly broke three of his fingers, the girl that had given him countless black eyes and cuts and scars."

That really hurt.
So instead of agreeing instantly, he decided that questioning her would be the best approach to the situation.

"You've said millions of times that you considered me your biggest enemy and threat. What would my mortal enemy want to be my sidekick for?"

She put her hands on her hips, noting my skepticism instantly.

"Okay, that's understandable I guess. Like I said, I think we'd work better together than against each other. That answer your question?"

I didn't skip a beat. My eyebrows began to raise as I continued to quiz the girl.

"Yeah. So why did you throw a knife at me if you wanted to be my partner? You could've killed me! You know, partners aren't very reliable if they're dead."

She rolled her eyes and walked towards me.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already. Surely you see that, right? My accuracy is almost perfect, I don't miss."

She held out her hand. I looked at her for a moment, and then decided, what's the worst that could happen?

I took her hand.

"The name's Moon Haze. You know, it's kinda weird that I know your name, but you never bothered to figure out mine."

"You were never the worst of my problems. Half the time I'm too high to do my research. Glad to work with you, Moon Haze."

She smiled, a genuine smile, looked me in the eye, and pumped her fists in the air.

"Aww, this is sick! I've always wanted to be a hero's sidekick."


Sorta short chapter, but some of them are going to have to be like this, it all depends on the subject and how heavy it will be to cover. So some might only be a couple hundred words, some might be 2,000. Who knows? I'm writing as I go, I have no plan for this story, just writing the scenarios that happen before the actions Moon Haze takes at the end of the story.

I hope you enjoyed! :)


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