Chapter 4

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own kickass yo!! ;)

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own kickass yo!! ;)

The first punch wasn't bad. It was barely a graze.
But then, another came. And another.
And another.
And another.

And then suddenly he couldn't breathe, it was as if his next breath had been knocked from his mouth.

The man kept punching. He started from my stomach, and was apparently trying to break a couple of ribs.

Then my jaw was on fire, and I felt the urge to scream. I could taste iron. I could feel the blood seeping from my nose.

I saw spots of black, spots of red, spots of every color.

My vision blurred. I looked at the man, whose facial features I could no longer distinguish. I no longer felt any pain, the punches turned into mere pats.

I'd gone numb.

And just when I thought I was fading into unconsciousness, my arms and legs were released, and I slid down the brick wall and hung my head.

With one final sharp kick to the stomach, they disappeared into the city, out to find more people to harass.

And I laid there slumped against the brick wall, bleeding and aching everywhere. Bruised and battered.

But better me than her.

I stayed there for a while longer, drowning in my pain.

And then I got up, limping, and walked.

I had no idea where to, all I knew was that she was safe and warm in the mist-mobile, waiting endlessly for my arrival with the black midnight sky overhead.

Hell, she probably had the sun-roof up star-gazing to pass the time.

At times like this, I was glad to be on my own. No parents to set curfews for me, no one to disappoint or worry to death over me, and most certainly no one to cry all night after seeing me come home in a bloody mess of tattered spandex and smeared eyeliner.

I got out my phone (which surprisingly survived the beating) and dialed Moon Haze. I couldn't walk down the darkly lot streets looking like this, I'd get mugged for sure.

She answered almost immediately.

"Holy shit, Mist are you okay? Where are you? I've still got the mist-mobile, I'll pick you up."

I leaned against the nearest building and tried to catch my breath.

"I...I don't know where exactly. Um...I-I'll try to find a gas station to wait for you-"

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