Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: I don't own kickass (although that would be sick if I did) I only came up with Moon Haze :)

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Disclaimer: I don't own kickass (although that would be sick if I did) I only came up with Moon Haze :)

It had been two days since Moon Haze had to start staying at my place. And honestly, I was exhausted. It felt so strange having to roam around my own house donning my Red Mist costume all day.

Because of this, however, we both got lots and lots of long hours on patrol together.

Ever since that gang had found Haze's location, we had been on the hunt for any and all traces of the men who held such valuable information (meaning, of course, Moon Haze's real identity) in their hands.

And so far, we had found absolutely nothing.

But at least that only meant that Moon Haze's visit would be longer than expected. They hadn't leaked her information.


Now, don't get me wrong, living with Moon Haze was great, but I'm pretty sure she had gotten as much sleep as I had. Which would be none.

Coffee breaks became more frequent, and the bags under our eyes only confirmed that we were both uncomfortable.

I sat down that morning with a somewhat old cup of coffee that had begun to taste stale. Moon Haze had already been awake at this point, and sleepily gazed out the window, her eyes fixed on the flowers in the garden below.

"Hey Mist, you know you have the most beautiful garden here." She greeted me; her voice was soft and dreamy.

"Yeah, its one of the many perks of having a rich family," I chuckled mid-sentence, "I guess. I never paid it much attention, but it is a nice sight to wake up to now that you mention it."

Her eyes met mine as I took a seat at the small glass table and sipped my already-cold coffee.

She suddenly cleared her throat after slamming her mug on the table's smooth surface.

"You know what I think the problem is?Why we cant sleep?"

I gave her a quizzical look and waited for her response.

"We don't trust each other enough. At least, I don't trust you enough. I don't know about you, but I'm terrified you'll walk in and accidentally meet the real me. I'm scared to take my mask off. That's why I'm having trouble falling asleep, and staying asleep."

Her eyes desperately trued to focus on mine, but I adverted my gaze to the garden, full of flowers and plants that I had never cared to learn the names of.

"What do you do, sleep with your mask on?" I try to conceal my smile as I tease her.

A scowl grew evident on her face, and she crossed her arms while adjusting in her seat.

"Actually, that's exactly what I do. And I think you do too."

I rose my eyebrows and shrugged.

"Touché. So what do you think we should do?"

Another long sip of her coffee.

"I'm still working on that. Say, do you know what I think? A party would be fantastic."

A devious look crossed over her face and our eyes met.

A party really did sound fantastic. Getting absolutely fucked would come as a huge relief after the utterly exhausting past few days filled with nothing but training and patrols around the city. It never struck me that Moon Haze was a partier, she seemed the type that studied and stayed indoors. Obviously, I was wrong, because the look she gave me was the only proof I needed.

I could almost picture her downing as many alcoholic beverages as humanely possible as a crowd gathered around her, chanting her name.

"I think that's the best idea you've ever had, Haze. But...what about our faces?"

She giggled and her smile grew more evident as she rolled her eyes and rose to her feet.

"A masquerade party. Only requirement is a mask. It's not as lame as it sounds, trust me, and I'd say to invite whoever is willing to bring booze."

It was my turn to laugh.

"Oh, we wont be needing any more booze."


Okay, I really do not like this chapter. I wrote something and then deleted it all, at least 1,500 words. So i'm so sorry about the lame update, and hopefully the next one will be better (and longer.) I don't know if it will work out, but expect a party scene.

And keep in mind that I have never been to a party so dude...I have no clue what they are really like. So this chapter might be deleted, it depends on whether or not I can handle the next chapter.

I usually ask for my best friend's opinion on this but I didn't want to bother her, so my confidence in this chapter is pretty low.

I guess you could say I have writers block, I just feel like everyone who reads this story deserves way better than what I tried to do with this chapter.

So I am apologizing in advance.

To those of you who might've been wondering how my time in Portugal was, I had a fantastic time, honestly I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday.

To those of you who might've been wondering how my time in Portugal was, I had a fantastic time, honestly I couldn't have asked for a better way to spend my birthday

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(It was beautiful there, I just had to share my favorite picture from the trip with you all.)

And to all of you who have read all the way to the bottom, I love you <3 (and I'm deeply sorry for making you read the boring a/n's)

-cass :3

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