1 : Saturday; June 04, 2016

78 3 5

I'll add on things till I fall asleep, then start a new list tomorrow, hopefully.
- kaweheokalani


1. Thank you, for waiting
2. Thank you, for forgiving me
3. Thank you, for your patience
4. Thank you, for your well wishes
5. Thank you, for believing in me
6. Thank you, for looking after me
7. Thank you, for the small things
8. Thank you, for the big things
9. Thank you, for remembering me
10. Thank you, for never forgetting
11. Thank you, for accepting my apologies
12. Thank you, for your guidance
13. Thank you, for your remembrance
14. Thank you, for your words
15. Thank you, for your time
16.Thank you, for letting me learn of you
17. Thank you, for guiding me to the straight path
18. Thank you, for bringing me back whenever I stray
19. Thank you, for finding me when I am lost
20. Thank you, for the ability to read and learn your words and stories to help understand myself and how to solve everyday problems
21. Thank you, for holy books
22. Thank you, for laughter
23. Thank you, for sadness
24. Thank you, for joy
25. Thank you, for humility
26. Thank you, for the remembrance of your name
27. Thank you, for the comforts of friends
28. Thank you, for time alone to reflect and mull over a day
29. Thank you, for time with others to lift spirits and ease a saddened heart
30. Thank you, for the happy tears of my mother, when my brother first got his hearing aides, when he could hear for the first time because he was born partially deaf, and it was so amazing, and beautiful. He could hear the rain and cars in the street for the first time, and I wanted to cry too.
31. Thank you, for letting me remember that day
32. Thank you, for giving my brother his hearing
33. Thank you, for his awe and joy when he curiosly discovered at the age of 5, the sound of rain as it fell outside
34. Thank you, for the private school we attended that tested him and discovered his hearing disability
35. Thank you, for letting my parents know how to help my shy baby brother
36. Thank you, for the joy that bloomed in my mothers heart that day
37. Thank you, for the happiness in mine for my baby brother and his discovery of sound
38. Thank you, for his smile
39. Thank you, for his jokes and curly hair
40. Thank you, for his patience in me as an older sister
41. Thank you, for letting him keep some of his hearing
42. Thank you, for having the chance to learn some sign language, so that we can talk to him and he can understand us better
43. Thank you, for his chance to be a normal boy and his great love of music and creating things with his hands
44. Thank you, for my brothers
45. Thank you, for not letting me grow up alone , to have companions and friends in my brothers wherever we went growing up.
46. Thank you, for the wonderful times I had with them.
47. Thank you, for making them both boys. I like having the most attention as the only girl. Haha :)
48. Thank you, for my other brother, for his love of bat man that lasted into our adult years
49. Thank you, for the hole that he was born with in his heart, for the doctor who fixed it for him
50. Thank you, for the prayers all our family did when he went into surgery for his heart
51. Thank you, for the scar he has on two-thirds of his chest, to remind us that he is a little miracle baby and that he was strong enough to come back to us with out a heart in his body for however many hours. (4 1/2 - 5 hours)
52. Thank you, for the fighting spirit of my brother
53. Thank you, for the comfort of my family waiting with my parents when he went into surgery
54. Thank you, for having them come to the hospital when my parents needed them
55. Thank you, for the clubbed feet he had when he was born also, for the surgery to fix his feet and the prayers for him to heal well
55. Thank you, for the scars there, I remember them as what gave him the ability to walk, he is one of the fastest runners in our family now
56. Thank you, for looking after my brother all these years
57. Thank you, for the hole remaining closed
58. Thank you, for the normal gait in his walk
59. Thank you, for giving him a chance to be a normal young man
60. Thank you, for his mischievous smiles and wavy hair.
61. Thank you, for giving me siblings

62. Thank you, for your kindness
63. Thank you, for your care
64. Thank you, for today.

I don't know enough words to thank you, but

with all of my human heartbeats,

thank you. (65)


Three Potatoes,

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