10: Monday; September 12, 2016

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1. Thank you, for the chance to learn how to ride the bus.
2. Thank you, for the opportunity to wake up and ready myself to use a different type of transportation in getting to work.
3. Thank you, for the opportunity to reflect on my days and my morning in the rides to and from work.
4. Thank you, for keeping me and the others on the buses I take, safe.
5. Thank you, for the bus drivers who pick up everyone at the stops.
6. Thank you, for the bus drivers who drop everyone at their requested stops.
7. Thank you, for the air conditioning in the city buses. For keeping everyone in comfort conpared to the humid or rainy weather outdoors.
8. Thank you, for the marked seating for the elderly and disabled. For the consideration to make a section easily manageable for their age and challenged in getting rides on public transportation.
9. Thank you, for the bus drivers who help the disabled get on and off the buses. For the people who stand or move seats so that those sections can be used to buckle in a person in a wheelchair, or and elderly person to have a seat with their cane or just their selves and bags they bring onto the bus.
10. Thank you, for the learning experience in taking the bus and getting to and from work. I am very thankful for these things. :)

Three potatoes,


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