7: Friday; June 10, 2016

13 1 0


1. Thank you, for bringing Naki back. I missed him.

2. Thank you, that dad didn't get anymore hurt when they fought, that would be heartbreaking.

3. Thank you, for the small comfort that my brother is back home, regardless of how he slept on the couch.

4. Thank you, for Osi, for the time I got to spend with him yesterday
5. Thank you, for the games in the game room and the fun they were for others to play.

6. Thank you, for the safe trip home.

7. Thank you, for the delicious food, especially in comparison to the horrible service we had a few days before.

8. Thank you, for the unexpected meeting with my old friend Suraj, it was lovely to see him again.

9. Thank you , for the comfortable conversation, it was enjoyable.

10. Thank you, for the delicious food, it was fantastic compared to the other day.

11. Thank you, for letting me wake up at 2 am, just to check on my brother if he got home after his fight.

12. Thank you, for the quiet this morning, when I went to the room to get his blanket to cover him, because he was sleeping on the couch in the parlour.

13. Thank you, for the fact that he is not in too much pain by far. I hope it remains so.

Thank you (14) for another day filled with things to be grateful for.

Three potatoes,



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