8: Monday; August 15, 2016 :

15 1 2

It was tiresome, but I believed in myself. And thats what mattered.



1. Thank you, for Chris, and his efforts and inquiries about helping me to close down the buffet line.

2. Thank you, for my mum and her insistence and efforts in having our work clothes ready and clean.

3. Thank you, for the laundry soap which we use to clean our clothes and laundry to make them clean and fresh.

4. Thank you, for our washing machine, for being able to use it and clean our laundry.

5. Thank you, for having our old washing machine, for not needing to spend so much on a new one.

6. Thank you, for our old washing machine, for how we were always able to do late night washings when we'dforget an important event for the next day or needing a clean uniform for work.

7. Thank you, for work today, for being able to make pasta and feed the customers at our restaurant.

8. Thank you, for my brother who taught me how to make pasta, because now I make good pasta that make people smile.

9. Thank you, for the ingredients available to make pasta.

10. Thank you, for the utensils I used today to make pasta and to serve food to our customers.

11. Thank you, for the flat top stove that is easy to clean and use to cook for our buffets at work.

12. Thank you, for the small fact that I hardly got my uniform dirty today.

13. Thank you, for only letting me burn myself making pasta once. It felt like a victory, a slightly painful one, but still, a victory. :)

14. Thank you, for the chance to share a yummy coconut chocolate smoothie with my parents, I wanted to share a drink that they both can enjoy.

15. Thank you, for the employee discount I got when I purchased the smoothie for my parents.

16. Thank you, for the fact that my parents waited to pick me up from work so I would not have to catch the bus home.

17. Thank you, for our little car, which transports us in a timely manner.

18. Thank you, for the fact that my whole tiny immediate family, fits inside the car.

19. Thank you, for the nice conversation on the way home.

20. Thank you, for letting me remember these things today.

Grateful (21) for these small blessings,

August 15, 2016

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