13 : Sunday; July 02, 2018 :

15 2 4

'First try in a long while to start this again, wish me luck!'

- Kaweheokalani


1. Thank you, for the simple fact that I was able to wake up by myself this morning. That I did not need assistance to wake up and I was able to move and ready myself for the day on my own as not everyone may be able to do, Mahalo for waking up this morning.

2.  Thank you, for today and my health not worsening any more than it is. That I did not share my day with a fever or terrible coughs that cause me great discomfort.

3. Thank you, for my mother. To have a mother of my own.

4. Thank you, for my dads job. That he is able to work and help support us as a family financially.

5. Thank you, for my two dogs who are in good health. That by far they are as energetic and spunky as ever and we do not need to make any extra trips to the vet anytime soon.

6. Thank you for giving me two brothers. They are a handful but I know if they ever were to leave, I would miss those silly boys.

7. Thank you for the doctors who help my mom. Thank you for their knowledge in diagnosing and looking after my mom after her heart attacks and those who make her medicines to better her health and her heart.

8. Thank you for the doctors and others involved in my mother's surgery for her heart, without them she may not be here today.

9. Thank you for my dad eventually seeing a doctor and discovering that, yes, he does have diabetes. And now being able to pester him that he is not in the health he was when he was younger and that his medicines and eating habits are all important things

10. Thank you for my own health, that I have not been diagnosed with diabetes and need not use insulin or the syringes or take bajillions of pills so many times in a day for my health.

11. Thank you that in comparison to some, I am in decent health and able to function on my own.

With all of my human heartbeats, thank you so very much for these things.

       Three Potatoes,

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