12. Wednesday; June 15, 2017 :

9 1 3

  You kept her safe.

      Thank you.



1. Thank you, for the chance to share another day with my family.

2. Thank you, for the time tonight getting to shop around and learn about the different cuts of meat in the store with my mother. To pick out what we would have for dinner.

3. Thank you, that I am able to speak to my mother and that I still have her in my life.

4. Thank you, for her health, however deteriorating, that she is not in need of bed rest in the hospital again.

5. Thank you, for my mother. That she can walk on her own and not need to be pushed in a wheelchair as badly as before.

6. Thank you for the doctor's and nurses who looked after her in the hospital.

7. Thank you for whomever drove the ambulance to take her to the hospital while her medicines put her to sleep.

8. Thank you for whoever invented face masks to breathe in oxygen. My mother could not breathe without it because of her lung infection and pneumonia.

9. Thank you, for the doctors who found that she had pneumonia. So that she is properly diagnosed and able to get the proper medications.

10. Thank you for all these years I have had a mother. Please keep her safe and in your care always.

Yours in Sincerity,

: Mahalo List :Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora