Alec - commission

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This is a terrible story that shall unfold,
one that may earn the place of the worst ever told.
About some gentle creatures named Alec and Esme,
corrupted by a man who has been led astray.

Rabbit to human, human to rabbit,
Esme did nothing but carry Alec in a gilded basket.
Together, they were one of a kind,
always finding clever ways out of tough binds.

However, every story has its antagonist,
and this one would prove to be the Devil's advocate.

Alec was as white as snow,
hopping about with Esme in tow.
When he sat upon the villain's favorite chair,
he was thrown up against the wall without a care.

Once again,
he stumbled upon the chair without a single regret.
A tuft of tail fur was snipped,
wounding his pride and turning Alex just a little more corrupt.

Time after time, he sat in the chair,
not moving as he begun to fall into disrepair.
On this occasion,
father grabbed Esme and commenced with his invasion.

Hit after hit, bruise after bruise,
Alec could not sit idle and bear witness to this abuse.
He lunged to defend and struck hard,
and bit hard enough into the father's ankle to leave it scarred.
Rage coursed through father's veins,
he knew he had to bring Alec many pains.

So out came Alec's left eye,
without a single tear or outcry.

Things for quiet for a short while,
but this only lead up to the final trial.

Grabbing Alec by his scruff,
the father let out a furious huff.
"I've had enough of you, worthless rat!"
And he threw Alec outside with a splat.

On this certain rainy day,
the dogs were let out to play.
The three canines in all,
tore at the rabbit in a brawl.

His blind eye did him no good,
thus, he surely was destined to become food.
But before the dogs could earn their meal,
a howl was hear, and then a squeal.

A demon feline appeared,
and gather Alec by his ears!
"You shall hurt this creature no longer!" It cried,
causing the dogs tails to droop and then they ran off to hide.

Clinging to life,
Alec was brought by the demon caught away from the strife.
"Work for me and I shall grant you whatever you please." It promised,
Alec's breathing being the calmest.

"I want to be able to save Esme and bring the man harm!" Alec crowed,
to which the demon cat slowed.
It grinned, "If that is what you wish, consider it done!"
"Alec, my dear bunny, this will be fun!"

With a hiss and whir,
Alec soon was able to stir.
Much to the demon cat's glee,
Alec rose up and once again was able to see.
Life, more or less, was restored,
and he would seek out the man on his own accord.

The demon cat reminded as Alec went to leave,
"Do not forget, you work for me."
Alec nodded, and limped away with dragging claws,
soon, the man would know his dripping maw.

That is all there is to this chilling tale,
and we can only hope that justice will prevail.
Esme and Alec should soon be reunited,
we know that they both will be delighted.

Deep, Dreamer - poetryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum