Last Goodbye

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Time is my enemy,
it's always condemning me.
Staring at the clock is all that there is today,
I guess this is just my price to pay.

I apologize for all I've done wrong,
you could say this is my swan song.
I wish I could've done more to help,
but I am nothing more than a whelp.

However, you're gone now,
and I writhe under the pressure.
For living without you is but a nightmare,
trapped inside a distant dream.

It's all just a haze,
and everyone I know just calls it a phase,
but you know otherwise.

Tell me why?
I demand an answer!
Ferocity is all that is present.
Did you lie when you said we'd be together forever?

Tell me it isn't true.
Gods, how I miss you.

Your smile like the sun,
but your eyes as cold as ice.
I need you,
physically too.

Please come back to me,
I know that we'll be the best pair of two.

Deep, Dreamer - poetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora