Hate is strong, but so is Love

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Out of all of the things in the world, there are not many things that I hate.

Sure, everyone has there pet peeves. But I consider those to be quirks that everyone is unique to.

I do not tend to take the word hate lightly, either.

It is one of the words, like love, that can make or break someone.

Some are built on the word, "Hate."

From the moment they are born, it is all that they are taught. It is not their fault, though, and we must have patience for them because the world is not seen through a golden looking glass.

Knowing all of this, when I say that I hate something, I genuinely mean it when it is said.

I hate it when the ones who tear out their hearts and present it to another, still seeping with fresh blood, are returned with flurries of stomps on the still beating organ.

I hate it when good people, the ones who should not have to go through what they do, are told that they are just as awful as the next person.

I hate it when all the good ones do is try and try and try, but they still somehow are not good enough in the eyes of others.

Well, you know what? You are. You are not just good enough, for you have far surpassed that limit-- and broken it.

You are the euphoric breath that lover's breathe after their first kiss.

You are the water that gently births life, but also has the power to cut through rock.

You are the wind that gentle carries the messages of Mother Earth, but also howls during storms.

You are every dying man's last smile.

You are every child's first laugh.

You are one of the few that make this world and it is not a gift to be taken lightly.

Whenever you think you are something less, just close your eyes and breath.

Maybe you, too, will hear the soft song of the Earth Mother telling you that you are as beautiful as all of her other children and she cherishes you, too.

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