The Alpha Stole My Heart

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Hello!! My name is Abbey or Abs for short. You know some people say moving to a small little town that holds at least 700-900 people and is completely surrounded by forest is a horrible thing and one of those people would happen to be me. I was living the dream you know I had the city life, friends and of course the cute boys that hung around everywhere you went and no before you start pointing fingers I am not and was never a popular girl. It just happens when you live in a place like California but now I live in a tiny place located somewhere in Alaska.

Yup in a small place located in Alaska where there are more wolves than beings. I was afraid at first because well I'm not your normal teenage girl. I hate makeup. I hate shopping. I hate girly-girl gossiping. So when I finally got to the town I kind of had to welcome whatever was thrown at me, and I mean whatever, even if it was a tall hunk of an Alpha.

The Alpha Stole My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now