The School

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Hi guys it's me the author I'm sorry if this chapter is bad this is my first story on watt pad I've written before so pls don't be to rough on it!! Also when the words are like this that means someone is thinking thats all I hope u enjoy this chapter!!!

I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!  I am wearing a yellow dress that looks horrible on me btw and the worst thing is I am at a school for kids of rich ppl who are probably full of them selves.  Well it's time to start the day with me standing outside the door waiting for the teacher to call me in.    "U can come in now" said someone that I'm guessing is the teacher. So I opened the door and walked in.  Their reactions were not all i expected some looked at me in disgust. Oh did I mention that I have not really a normal color eyes. They are red ok the others were not what I expected. A good handful of boys blushed when they saw me which,I thought, was weird.  "Well?" Said the teacher "oops Gomen sensei!!!" "Hello my name is Umi and I hope we can all be friends!!!" "Ok u can go sit next to Haruhi" (sorry I forgot how to spell her name!!) after that a girl wearing a boys uniform for some reason raised her hand so I went to go sit next to her.  

                AFTER CLASS
       "Hey Haruhi wait up!!" I yelled after class was done "yea what's wrong?" She said "can I talk to u in private" I asked "sure" she said so we walked over to a corner where no one was around "I don't mean to be rude but are u um.." "Single I'm guessing" that's when I made a look of disgust on my face. She must have seen it sense she said this "I'm guessing that's a no" "yea" I said "so what was the real question" she asked "oh yea" I said "are u a cross dresser" her eyes got big "what did u say" "are u a girl who likes dressing like a boy?" And then out of no where a man with blonde hair jumped in the middle of us and yelled "STAY AWAY FROM MY HARUHI U STALKER!!"
I'm sorry it was so short I'm a little busy right now but I will get the next chapter up soon don't worry!!😋

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