The new Girl

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                                 *???? POV*
   I was walking to my class when I bumped into a man with black hair and glasses. 'Kyoya?!' I screamed in my mind. "S-sorry I wasn't watching where I was going. I then did a quick bow and ran off.
                             *Kyoya's POV*
   That girl....she's new...... Oh well I'll just go to class...
                                 *???? POV*
    'Ok Akane..... You can do this!! I think.....' I thought as I walked into the classroom. A couple of the boys blushed and girls glared. "H-hello I'm Akane and I'm a transfer from labelia ( is that how u spell it?) and I hope we can all be friends!" I said as happily as I could. "Ok Akane u can go sit next to Haruhi" the teacher said to me. 'That must be the girl who was mistaken for a boy that Umi told me about....' I thought as I sat down next to Haruhi.  "Hi haruhi I'm Akane!" I said holding out my hand to shake. "Nice to meet u Akane!" Haruhi said back taking my hand shaking it. 'So this is the school Umi went to for a short period of time' i thought as class began.
*time skip brought to u by the king himself!!*
          "Freedom!!!" I exclaimed after classes were over. "It wasn't that bad was it?" Two voice exactly in syne said. I turned around to see , I'm guessing, the Hitachiin twins, with questioning looks. "It's boring......" I said innocently. "Good point" the deeper voiced one said. "I'm Hikaru" the deeper voice said "and I'm kaoru" the higher pitched voice said. "Nice to meet u Hikaru and kaoru I'm Akane" I said happily. Once the walked off I went to the music room Umi told me about. Once I was in I took an umbrella out of no where and opened it making sure the rose petals don't get on me. "Hey look it's Akane" I heard the twins say in sync as usual. "Yep! Now this is the host club correct?" I asked my voice full of my fake cheer. "Yes my dear princess" the blonde, that I'm assuming is tamaki, took my hand and gave it a kiss. "Right...." I said with a little disgust in my voice. "My name is Akane I transferred from labelia academy" I informed them as  my face showed no emotion as well as my voice.  "I am here to inform u about Umi" I said. Kyoya stiffened and looked up from his clip board with interest. "U know Umi chan?" A small boy came to me. "Yes Huni senpai I am a friend of hers" I said putting my hand on his head. "I am here to inform u that Umi is..." I was biting my lip trying not to cry. "D-dead" my voice cracked when I said this a tear escaping my eye. That's when I felt someone grab my arm. "What did u say...." It was Kyoya... "If this is a dumb joke it isn't funny..." I looked him in the eyes crying. "W-why would I lie about the only person who has excepted me for me being dead" I said my voice cracking a bit.  Kyoya let go of my arm and walked out of the room.  "I-I'm..." I was at a lost of words.  "You've done enough..." Tamaki said seriously as he walked out to go look for Kyoya. Everyone did the same and left me crying in a empty music room.
Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while!! I was busy with so many things on irl I didn't get a chance to update!!!!! I hope u enjoyed this and with a new character Akane!!!

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