Whats happening to me?!

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    When I got to school early I went to the music room other than the host clubs.  I went to the piano and started playing
    Dancing bears.
Painted wings things I almost remember then there's a song someone songs once upon a December
While I was playing the song and singing it little did I know I was being I was being watched
Kyoyas pointed view

Is this really Umi?  It can't be wait why don't I hear anything anymore? Then I looked to where she was playing and she was gone. "Looking for someone" Someone said as I turned around to see Umi right in my face. Then she touched my neck and I blacked out and when I woke up I was in the host clubs room. 
  I looked around to find Umi sleeping on top of me blushed and I didn't know why.  Then the door opened with the whole host club talking but when they saw me and Umi there was an awkward silence. Then I heard Umi move and next thing I knew her eyes were open and that's when I realized she has red eyes.
Umi's point of view
   When I woke up I didn't expect to see myself sleeping on Kyoya.  My face turned tomato red and I backed up right away.  "Love is in bloom here in Ouran Academey!!" Tamaki said In a joyful sort of tone. "N-n-no it isn't it u-u-u pig" I managed to get out.  I then Ran out of the room to my class and waited for the day to start.  When the lunch bell rang I was dragged to the host clubs room and was locked in a changing room with the maid outfit from yesterday.  So I put it on and went outside to find a bunch of guys and girls scattered around the room.  I started to make tea like Tamaki senpai told me to.  So when I was done I made me way towards Tamaki and but the tray down and started serving the tea to everyone there.  And the a bunch of boys surrounded me and started asking me questions "someone help!!" I yelled.  And a couple of seconds after that I was saved by Mori senpai. "A-Arigato Mori sempai" I said.  He nodded and then walked away to Honi sempai so I walked towards Kyoya senpai.  "Am I doing everything find Kyoya senpai?" I asked.  "U r doing fine now ask the guests if they would like any thing" "o-ok Kyoya sempai!!" I smiled and walked away to the guests to ask if they would like anything.
Kyoya's point of view
        As she walked away I couldn't help but blush her smile was cute it could make us some more money and more popular with her and that smile.  So I went to Tamaki to ask him something.
Umi's point of view
       When I saw Kyoya walking away towards Tamaki I couldn't help but blush he's just..... I don't know different I suppose? But when I saw a girl go up to him I just thought i would never able to be with him. Besides I'm different than most girls so I don't think he would be interested in a girl like me.  Wait what am I saying I can't love anyone not after him.....
That's all for now I know I'm mean cause I'll left a cliff hanger.   I don't care what u think or say I wanted to end it here sorry!!!! 

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