Chapter 3 - Liana

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"Liana!" A voice hissed in my ear. "Liana! Wake up!"

I groaned into my pillow, pulling the covers tighter around me.

"For god sake Liana, get your ass out of bed, we're late!"

I rubbed my bleary eyes with my sleeve, blinking in the blinding white light. 

Jenny came into focus. She was pulling ski stuff on hurriedly, combing her hand through her hair at the same time.

"How did we oversleep?" I grumbled, stretching in bed.

"I forgot to set the alarm," Jenny blushed. "Sorry, but would you please just get up!"

"Alright, I'm up!" I muttered, shivering in my pyjamas that only consisted of shorts and a tank top.

"What are you doing?" Jenny frowned as she watched me pull my ski suit on.

"Getting dressed?" I asked as if she were stupid.

"But you're putting it on over your underwear, you can wear clothes underneath you know!" Jenny laughed. 

"Yeah," I shrugged, zipping up the suit. "Can't be arsed to get ready this morning, you said we're late anyway."

I didn't even have time to pull my curls up into a ponytail before Jenny had rushed me out of the door and into the food hall.

"Girls!" Mr Morris scolded when he saw us. "We've all been waiting for you!"

"Sorry!" Jenny panted. "We overslept."

"Well you missed breakfast, so you'll have to go without out."

My stomach grumbled in protest, but obviously there was nothing I could do about it, so I followed Mr Morris and Bruce through the snow.

"Hello everyone, welcome," I immediately recognized the man that had told me off last night, and that I'd been rude to. I was sure he recognized me, but behind his ski goggles it was impossible to see where he was looking. "I'm Olly, I'll be teaching you some skiing today."

"Brilliant," i murmured under my breath.

"Yes?" I jumped as Olly address me, or at least his head was pointing my way. "Is there a problem?"

"No," I said quickly, feeling the stares of the rest of the school.

"What's your name?" He asked me.

"Liana," I replied defensively.

"Strange name," He shrugged, causing the class to snicker. I went bright red, glaring at him, wishing looks could kill.

Olly began to explain the basics, and to be honest I dozed off through most of it. How complicated could skiing be? Just one foot in front of the other... kind of.

"Are you excited?" Jenny asked me eagerly.

I gave her a withering look. "What do you think Jenny?"

Jenny laughed. "Just you wait, you're going to love it!"

"We'll see," I muttered, holding the poles in my hands tightly, wondering if it would be rude to hit Olly around the back of the head with them.

He had his hands on Katelyn's hips, showing her how to turn. She was grinning from ear to ear, despite the fact she didn't even know if he was good looking or not. He was dressed in a bulky suit that left a lot to the imagination. He could easily have been obese or maybe he had a facial deformity hidden under that scarf, who knows?

Katelyn had begun to grind against him as she showed him her 'moves' that looked almost like some kind of sexual dance. I saw Mr Morris clenching his jaw as he watched.

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