Chapter 4 - Olly

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"Yes," She whispered under her breath, so quietly I had to strain to hear her. "I have."

I collapsed onto the bench next to her, leaning against the wooden wall. "We should get you back to your school..." I muttered. I was pretty sure I was extremely close to breaking one of the camp instructor rules about being too involved with minors or whatever, or would be, if I carried on talking to her. 

"Do I have to?" She grumbled, reminding me that she was a seventeen year old girl, a typical grumbling teenager, and not someone I should be having such an intimate conversation with. 

"Yes," I said firmly. "I'll get you some pills, wait here."

I dashed quickly to the cupboard and grabbed some pills along with a bottle of water and a couple of biscuits. We didn't have a nurse here because all the instructors were first air trained, sadly.

"Here we are," I said breathlessly, holding out the two small pills and bottle of water.

Silently, she grabbed the pills, pushing the water back into my chest and swallowing the pills dry, hardly even grimacing.

"I got you some biscuits," I said warily, noting her sudden hostile attitude. Damn, she wasn't just a seventeen year old teenager, she was a bloody stroppy one.

"I'm not hungry," She mumbled, trying to stand up, but almost falling down again. I grabbed her quickly to steady her, but she brushed me off.

"So, what's your diagnosis doc?" She said finally, hardly even looking at me. I wondered what I'd done to suddenly piss her off... maybe she was just hormonal or something.

"You'll be fine," I smiled, trying to catch her eye. "Just take it easy and stay warm, you're just a little concussed from the fall."

"Brilliant," she muttered sarcastically.

"Oi!" i said, grabbing her arm as she tried to leave. "Aren't you even going to say thank you?"

"For what?" She pouted. "For you being such a crap instructor that you let me hurtle down a hill?"

My breath caught in my throat. "Wow, you are a spoiled little-"

"Bye, Olly," Liana said, brushing me off and storming towards the door.

I watched her go, frowning warily and running a hand through my hair, flicking it out of my eyes as I started at the place she'd been moments before.

After a few minutes, I put back on my scarf and goggles, ready to get back to my job. I took the long route up the hill.

"How's it been going?" I asked Mr Morris. 

"Okay, I think," He grinned. Mr Morris and me went way back from when he'd taken a holiday at the water sports centre I'd worked at three years ago. "I don't know much about skiing of course, but they all seem to be doing pretty well."

I nodded my approval, watching one of the girls glide down the hill, stopping perfectly at the first cone. "Great!" I shouted to the girl as she made her way over to us.

"Where's Liana?" The girl asked, her brow furrowed. "Is she okay?"

"I sent her back here," I frowned, looking over the mountain as if she might be hiding under the snow somewhere. "Are you sure you didn't see her come back?"

The girl shook her head. "Shall I go find her?"

Mr Morris gave me an apologetic look. "Sorry Olly, it's not your fault, Liana's a... challenging girl."

"So I noticed," I murmured quietly, causing the girl to look sharply at me.

"I guess you can go have a look for her Jenny..." Mr Morris sighed at her. "Or do you think we should leave her to cool off?"

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