Chapter 11 - Liana

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By my sixth day at Fort Fun things seemed to be looking up. Our flight home was tomorrow, so it was a matter of hours until I was home in sunny Florida, back to normal life... normal life without Olly.

I wondered if it would be possible to get his number, stay in touch through email, but then I thought about how many teenagers passed through Fort Fun every week... why would he want to keep in touch with me? What made me so special?

Me and Olly didn't spend any time alone after our last ski session, and the time we did spend together was strictly profesional. I was almost up to the skiing ability of the seventh graders, which meant Olly didn't need to focus as much individual attention on me anymore.

"Hey, have you packed my trainers by accident?" Jenny called as we packed our bags that evening. I was being purposely slow and sluggish, knowing what awaited me at home, and what I was leaving behind here... or more specifically, who.

"You need to talk to him." Jenny said firmly as I found Jenny's trainers in my case and handed them over. "You can't leave it like this."

"Like what?" I muttered, throwing my ski boots in my case with more force than was necessary.

"Like... unfinished..." Jenny trailed off as we heard a gentle knock on the door. Me and Jenny frowned at each other before Jenny raced to the door.

"Oh Liana!" Jenny called eagerly as I packed away my leggings. I strode to the door with a sigh.

"What? This better be..." I trailed off as I saw Olly leaning against the door frame casually. He was wearing a thin shirt that showed his defined muscles, making me breathless. He had an easy grin on his face that was free of a scarf and goggles for once.

"So, I just spoke to Mr Morris about the extra skiing lessons you asked me to give you..."

"I didn't..." I trailed off at the look on his face, realization suddenly hitting me. "Oh... that."

"Yeah, and he said it's okay for me to take you out for a quick session now," Olly grinned. "If you still want to that is."

I suddenly noticed his ski suit that was slung over his arm, his goggles and scarf hanging loosely from his right hand. "Sure," I nodded eagerly, glancing down at what I was wearing. A baggy sweater... his sweater, and my black leggings. "I'll get ready... come in."

Olly looked around warily, before he stepped into our cabin. I rushed around, throwing and taking things out of my suitcase in a panic to get ready.

"Here, allow me," Olly smiled as he saw me battling with my ski boot. He grabbed my leg and gently eased my foot in.

"Thanks," I smiled.

"So, I thought we could go onto the intermediate slope today. It gets a little more busy than the beginner ones but I think you're ready for it." Olly said as he helped me into my ski suit, zipping it up for me. He untucked my hair, brushing my cheek at the same time.

I grabbed a hair band, shoving my hair in a bun before pulling my bobbled hat tightly over my head. "You really think I'm ready?"

"I don't see why not, I'll be with you."

His words sent a shiver of excitement down his spine. "I can't believe Mr Morris approved this," I muttered, shaking my head as I wrapped the scarf around my face.

"It's an extra skiing lesson with a trustable tutor who you're paying extra money to for extra time on the slopes, what's not to trust?" Olly winked at me, helping me pull my goggles on with a snap.

"You're unbelievable," I laughed, slipping my gloves on, fumbling with them in my excitement.

I glanced towards Jenny's bed where she sat, biting her lip, holding back a grin. I gave her a warning look.

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