Chapter 10 - Olly

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"Oh my god," I laughed to myself as the camp fire came into view. I could see Liana sat on one of the logs, a look of repulsion on her face. Jenny had her head on Liana's shoulder, half asleep as Burt told them his famous story of how he'd almost lost his finger in a skiing accident... except, it had turned out he'd had two fingers in one glove finger.

I looked around the circle as I approached and saw Katelyn's face, a picture of misery a second ago, light up as I sat down next to Burt. I was still wary of her comment earlier on the way to the hospital about me looking 'great in a ski uniform', that girl was trouble.

"Ah, Olly, glad you could join us," Burt grinned at me. 

"You know how much I enjoy the camp fire..." I shrugged with a small smile.

"So, we were just about to sing the songs... Maybe you could lead?" Burt suggested eagerly.

I look sharply towards Liana. A smile was playing on her lips, her eyes suddenly wide open. "Urm..." I bit my lip as Liana smirked. "I don't remember the words."

"That's a shame," Burt's smile fell. "No matter, I shall lead!"

Burt stood up quickly, and then he began to boom out the words of one of the camp fire songs that I was sure most of the teens knew... but no one joined in. When Burt was done he sat down and cleared his throat. "So, no one knows that song then?"

Everyone looked at each other, and I felt a pang of embarrassment for Burt. Still, Burt wasn't deterred as he announced we'd start roasting marsh mellows.

Everyone ate silently, except Burt, who had somehow managed to set light to his marsh mellow.

After the camp fire was over everyone skulked moodily back to their cabins after a long day.

"Hey, Olly!" Burt called me over. I immediately began to panic, wondering if anyone had found out how close me and Liana were becoming, or maybe he'd seen me fall on her on the mountain this morning.

"Olly," Burt grinned, making my shoudlers relax. "I just wondered if you'd be okay to swap some sessions with me? I'm not exactly the skiing type... so I was wondering if you wanted to take all the teen sessions while I take the younger kids?"

"Of course!" I blurted far too eagerly, causing Burt to raise his eyebrows. "I mean, urm, yeah that's cool."

"Great," Burt nodded. "Thanks Olly, you can go now."

With a sigh I slouched back to my cabin, climbing into bed, tired from the day. I lay there for a moment, concerned by how much Burt trusted me. Obviously no one expected anything... but was there even anything to expect?

The sound of my phone ringing startled me, and the number that popped up surprised me even more. 

"Georgia?" I asked frowning into the phone.

"Olly!" She cried, her voice seemed relieved. "I've been wanting to talk to you for ages..."

"Me too." I said finally, realising it was true.

"Really?" Her voice was hopeful.

"Yeah," I bit my lip. "Look, Georgia..."

"I've met someone else." 

"What?" I asked, sitting up straighter in bed, the phone shaking in my hand. "What are you talking about?"

"I met someone else," she whispered. "I'm in love with someone else."

I felt a burning sensation in my stomach, and I breathed deeply as I tried to decipher it. Was it anger? Pain? "Oh my god," I muttered to myself, when I finally realised what it was. Relief.

"It's fine Georgia," I said honestly. 

"Why?" Georgia asked, her voice suddenly suspiciously. "I didn't expect you to take it so well..."

"Neither did I," I admitted. "But it's obviously for the best, and it sounds like you're happy..."

"I am..." she said quickly. "Olly, have you met someone else too?"

The silence that filled the receiver was enough answer for her. "When were you planning on telling me?" She asked, her voice sounded hurt. "I've been putting this guy off for ages, constantly telling him I already had a boyfriend..."

"I'm sorry," I said quickly. "I really am, but nothings happened with the girl I met, not really."

"Well...." Georgia's voice was suddenly lighter. "Then I guess I'm happy for you, you must really like her."

I opened my mouth to protest, to tell her that the girl I liked was only seventeen, that the girl I liked was still in school, that I was five minutes away from breaking the law, but instead I bowed my head and sighed deeply. "Yeah... Yeah, I really do."

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