Chapter 13 - Liana

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I was awoken by one of the cub groups who'd decided to bang pots and pans to get everyone up. My eyes burned and my throat was dry. I felt like I'd only just gone to sleep.

Everyone was moaning as they stirred out of their sleep grumpily, blinking hazily. I saw Olly, and laughed to myself when I saw he was still sound asleep.

I turned over in the sleeping bag, and tried to go back to sleep like many of the other kids were trying to do, but Burt had decided to poke us awake instead, so before he got to me I forced myself up and out of the warm sleeping bag.

The storm had stopped, but snow was still falling gradually outside. Burt had nudged Olly awake with his foot, and Olly was walking around sluggishly helping Burt dish out food and drink. Olly grinned when he saw me, running a hand through his hair adorably.

"You sleep okay?" He asked.

"Like a log," I grinned. "Until the cub scouts over there got hold of the pots and pans."

Olly grimaced. "Tell me about it." He looked around, then lowered his voice so only I could hear. "See you later cutie."

I grinned like an idiot as I ate the soggy cereal they'd given us for breakfast.

When we were finish we had to wash up in little tubs, whilst Olly and Burt and all the other staff that seemed useless herded the groups together.

"listen up please!" Olly's voice boomed, causing everyone to stop in their tracks. "We'll be able to go outside today, but not on the mountains. We're going to give time for the fresh snow to settle before we go back on the mountains. So, you have a few options... You can either stay in your cabins..."

Immediately, kids began to file out, leaving only half of us. Olly raised his eyebrows. "Okay... so the other options are arts and crafts in the hall with Burt..." More kids ran out. "... Or you can come outside tobogganing with me and Clare, our other instructor here."

More of the remaining kids sprinted out, including Katelyn who pushed past me roughly. "She just wants to go tobogganing so she can perv on Olly," Katelyn laughed, making me grit my teeth, but in my head I knew it was me that had the last laugh.

"Hey, Katelyn!" I called after her. "That green cast really matched the colour of your eyes!"

"You bitch!" She snarled. "My eyes are blue!"

I smirked. "Oh, my bad, the green reflection of the cast makes them look like... hm... a kind of sick green colour..."

Katelyn growled under her breath, before turning on her heel. 

Only about five of us were left to do tobogganing, so Clare took the three little kids and Olly smirked as he took me and Jenny.

We all changed into ski suits again and carried the toboggans up to the tiny slope.

"Ouch!" I glanced in surprise as Jenny fell down in the snow on the way up to top.

"What is it?" Clare snapped grumpily.

"Think I twisted my ankle," Jenny muttered. I tried to help her up and offer to take her back, but she shook her head. 

"I'll be okay, but I guess I should go back..." She trailed off, turning on her heel. As she passed me she whispered, "you can thank me later."

My heart throbbed with gratitude, and I shrugged at Olly who was watching in amusement.

"Shall I take Liana up to the higher slope?" Olly asked Clare.

Clare hardly even shrugged, ignoring him and snapping at one of the little kids who'd thrown a snowball at her back.

Me and Olly sneaked off quickly before she could change her mind. We went up to the slightly higher slope that was on the opposite side of the mountain to Clare and it seemed pretty much deserted. Olly laughed at me as I struggled to keep up, wading through the thick snow.

I set the toboggan up at the edge of the slope, when a sudden hit against my back made me stumble.

An icy coolness was dampening the back of my clothes as I spun around and saw Olly standing there, whistling innocently. 

I didn't hesitate before I grabbed a hand full of snow and hurtled it towards his chest. I laughed hysterically as he staggered back dramatically, grabbing his chest as if he'd just been shot.

"You'll pay for that," he grinned, grabbing a hand full of snow.

"No!" I screamed. "I'm serious Olly, don't you dare!"

Olly didn't listen, and before I was able to move out the way, Olly had jammed a ball of snow down the back of my suit.

I shrieked at the icy dampness, elbowing him sharply and grabbing more snow, but he wrestled it out of my hand, his face ending up inches from mine, his hand still grasping my wrist strongly. I tried shrugging out of his grip, but my foot caught the toboggan and I fell into Olly who tripped backwards and fell into the snow, me landing on top of him as our toboggan sped down the hill without us on it.

"That's a shame," I whispered, my mouth so close to his I could feel his staggered breathing against my face.

"It is," He agreed breathlessly, reaching a hand up and stroking the side of my face that instantly stiffened at his touch. I stared into his blue eyes, my mouth lowering against his, until our lips brushed together.

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