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Liana bit her lip, looking at the poem on the board. It was tougher than she imagined to defer some kind of meaning from it, I mean, to her it just looked to be about sex, as half of the class were realizing, beginning to snicker.

"So, no one knows what the true meaning of this poem is?" Professor Hillard asked impatiently, clicking his tongue.

Liana bit her lip, her eyes narrowing in concentration... finally, she got it. Her hand shot up.

"Liana?" He asked, as the class turned to stare at her.

"She's comparing sex to her husband, talking about how inferior it is to him..."

"So she's saying he sucks in bed?" One of the boys asked with a laugh.

"No," Liana shook her head. "Not at all. She's talking about sex in general."

"Exactly," Kyle nodded. "Thanks Liana"

Liana nodded, blushing over her books as her long curly hair fell like a curtain around her face. 

"So, I think that's it for this lesson, we'll be talking more about this tomorrow of course, but until then just try and familiarize yourself with the poem..."

"Does that mean reenacting it?" One of the girls asked.

Everyone laughed, even Liana smiled slightly.

"No!" Kyle said in annoyance. "Take this poem seriously guys, okay?"

"Okay," Everyone said in unison as they packed up their things.

"Hey, Liana," Liana turned around to face Susan.

"Hey Susan, you okay?" She asked.

"Wondered if you're going to the dorm party later?" Susan asked, pushing her glasses up her nose as she spoke.

"Sorry Susan, I'm going back to the flat tonight, Olly's home," Liana said with a smile.

Susan waggled her eyebrows. "Ah, so you'll be reenacting this poem tonight then I trust?"

Liana blushed, smiling slightly. "Perhaps, although he might be tired from travelling."

"I really doubt he'll be too tired for that," she smirked. "Anyway, I'll see you in class tomorrow morning with the expectation that you can tell me all about this... poem."

Liana laughed, elbowing her. "Have fun tonight, be careful okay?"

"Always am," Susan said with a wink. "I won't drink much, swear!"

Liana smiled, shaking her head.

"Hey, Liana!" She turned to face Professor Hillard who was approaching her. "Have you emailed that work placement I talked about?"

"Yeah," Liana nodded. "They said they'd like me to travel back over to America to do a few days trail, and then they'll decide."

"Great," Professor Hillard grinned. "And how do you feel about it?"

Liana nodded thoughtfully. "It will be nice to get back home to America, I mean, I love England but I feel like I should go home for a while... and then obviously if I get the job it will be a lot of travelling back and forth between England and America, but I don't think my boyfriend will mind that."

"And what's he doing at the moment?" Professor Hillard asked curiously.

"He's just got back from a business trip in Japan, he's always wanted to go there," Liana said with a smile. "He's lucky, with his work he can go pretty much anywhere."

"Nice," Professor Hillard grinned. "Well, have a good evening."

Liana nodded. "Thanks Professor."

Liana rushed down the stairs, passing all the Cambridge dorms. Of course she'd been offered a place in them, but she'd rented the flat so that Olly could stay with her as much as possible.

Her phone rang in her pocket, and she answered it without even looking at the number.

"Hey Jenny," Liana said with a knowing smile.

"Oh my god Liana, call 911!" Jenny laughed into the phone. "Harry's driving me crazy!"

Liana grimaced. "Is he teething?"

"Yeah," Jenny sighed. "It's driving me freaking mad I tell you, but I guess that's what you get for being a mom at twenty."

"It will work out," Liana assured her as she continued her journey through town, sticking her arm out to grab a taxi. "Look Jenny, I have to go, I might be in America soon to do a trial for this Journalist company, I'll pop in if I can."

"That would be awesome," Jenny said with a sigh of relief. "Harry keeps asking when he'll get to see you again, you're a natural with him!"

Liana smiled. "Bye Jenny!"

Liana stared out of the taxi window, her leg bouncing in anticipation to see Olly. He'd only been away for a few months, and he'd called her every night, but she couldn't wait for him to hold her in his arms.

The taxi pulled up at the flat, small and nothing special, but as Liana pressed the buzzer and the door opened, she couldn't have cared less, because the flat wasn't what mattered.

She didn't even hesitate, didn't even stop to look at Olly, before she flung herself into his arms and he held her tightly.

"God, I've missed you so much," Olly muttered into her hair, breathing her in.

"Me too," Liana mumbled into his chest. "You were only gone a few weeks, but it felt like months."

"Agreed," Olly nodded. "But now I have five months here with you, and I won't waste a second."

Olly's hand moved to the box he had in his jacket pocket, fingering it protectively, checking it was still there for the moment he'd propose to Liana later at dinner.

It was amazing how different his life could have turned out if he hadn't found that letter, he thought, but fate was a funny thing, and he'd never chance it again.

"I love you Liana," He muttered into her hair, stroking her head gently.

"I love you Olly," Liana whispered into his shirt, feeling the steady beat of his heart against her cheek.

 "Come on, let's go to dinner," Olly said, the engagement ring box pressing against his chest.

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