"Can you feel the Silence?" A Matt Nicholls Love Story.

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"You don't know what it's like to stand in front of the mirror. Staring at your reflection, picking out each flaw you possess. Flaws that make you cringe, make you weak, make you think less about yourself. You stare at the mirror, you pinch your skin and you want to cry. The fat you have is basically just skin; yet you see it as if you are a gigantic blob of nothing but fat. You see your "stringy" hair that is not the perfect color or style. You see all your scars, all the memories of yesterday. You fill up with so much rage, disgust, and guilt as you stare down your reflection. That little glimpse makes you want to die. You tried so many times to make the voices go away. Yet they keep telling you. "Just fucking die already."

I remember walking down the streets of London with my best friend Jacklyne. We had on matching blazers with skulls and hiding our scars. We both knew each others dirty little secret. She knew I had a scary relationship with anorexia and self harm and severe anxiety attacks. As I knew about her horrible past, her self esteem issues, and self harm as well. Nobody else knew, just us. Our own dirty little secret. If anyone found out we'd be thrown into a mental hospital.

I took a deep breath and inhaled the last bit of my cigarette and dropped it on the ground. I blew smoke and looked forward. Jacklyne and I were silent. The silence was comforting.

I nudged her and she took out an earbud an glanced at me. "Let's get a pumpkin spice coffee."

"You and Pumpkin Spice..." She smirked and held my pinkie as we walked to the nearest coffee shack. Jacklyne told me her order and waited for me in a secluded area. I waited patiently as this tired old man was counting his change. He smiled at the lady as she handed him his coffee. "Have a great day ma'am"

"You too darling."

She noticed my presence and asked for an order. I ordered and waited for awhile I did the simple math and got out my money. She handed me my change the. Picked up a coffee. As I went to grab it. I felt a hand grab onto my wrist. I felt someone lift my sleeve "we have a self harmed! Lock her up Jeff." I felt to arms wrap around me and lift me up. "NO" LET ME DOWN.

After a moment of terror, all I saw was black. And the faint shouting of jacklye's voice. What was going to happen to me?


Idea I had. I've been thinking of doing something like this for awhile. Does anyone think i should continue or not? Please let me know <3

&quot;Can you feel the Silence?&quot; A Matt Nicholls Love Story.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu