Eleven: So Long, Goodnight

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Last Chapter ~

Raven's Point of View. (Trigger Warning)

I woke up in a dark room. I shook as I felt handcuffs around my wrists. I heard the door open and saw a man with black hair and a white spot. He looked like a skunk in some ways. He smiled. "Hey Rae."

I heard him speak and a flashback came through my head.

I grabbed my lunch with Riot and I found out that she knew Jackie. she was actually one of the people I HAD to know. Can you believe the coincidence? I walked to our table. Jaklyne stood up and pointed at each girl and a few of the guys.

"Alright, meet Danielle who is your roomate, Jessica, Alan you've already met, Oli, Jack, Serena, Austin, and Matt."

"Jack..." He nodded as he ran a hand through his hair. He then placed a gun in front of me. My heart began to pound. He looked at me, "I'm not going to kill you, yet I can tell what your thinking and I feel like suicide may be the correct way for you." I nodded. "To save the world."

He unlocked me. He then kissed my forehead and wished me the best. H handed me a leather jacket. I placed the gun in the inner pocket.

Jack lead me to the presidents room. I realized I was back at DeVounti.

I took a deep breath as I walked in. I saw the guy who deported Oli.

"You've been a bad girl Ms. Roedun." "Well last time I checked, you were a pretty corrupt man yourself." He then began to laugh. "I'm innocent Raven, your friends are imbeciles who are only spoon fed lies. That Matt Nicholls guy, he only wants you for the wrong reasons. He doesn't care about you. He thinks of you as a depressed loser."

I pretended to look hurt, yet I knew the truth. I trusted Matt.

"Fine I'll let you."

"Good. Go have Mrs. Shaultz help you find a dress."

"Yes sir." I walked out and looked at the women who helped doll me up the night we ran away.

"We missed you Raven." I nodded. Speaking was out of the question. I was terrified in my head all I could hear was a tick of a bomb. Time was ticking.

What do you do when your time has come? I spent it feeling guilty that Matt and I had our last kiss. It hurt that the last thing I said to Jacklyne was "So long, goodnight."

Mrs. Shaultz handed me a purple dress that hugged me in all the right places. I put it on then placed my jacket around. The cold of the gun seeped through the clothing. I put on black heels then went out to have Mrs. Shaultz and some lady named Dari do my makeup and hair.

I stared into the mirror and my eyes had no shine, you could tell tell there was hell in my eyes and that I was anxious. I nodded at Mrs. Shaultz asked me if it was alright. Then We walked to the place. I heard a roar of cameras and men shouting. Looked like my suicide was going to have an audience.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, today we mark this day in history. Depression and suicide has been the downfall of the human race. We have finally found the solution of erasing it forever." Said a man. He then pointed a hand at me.

"Please, Raven Roedun.. Join me now."

I began to walk. Tick tick tick. I walked away from guards and saw people taking pictures of me. I pulled out my gun and caressed it. I placed the nozzle against my temple.

"RAVEN NO!" I heard Matt and Jacklyne shout. I looked at both of them and mouthed "I love you."

The guards began to come to me. I took a deep breath then closed my eyes and pulled the trigger. Bang.

I was finally at peace.

7 months later.

Matt's Point of View.

DeVounti had been shut down after Her suicide. I couldn't bare the pain of seeing her so comfortable of leaving this. Us. Her life. She looked at me and gave me a look saying "I will be all right. Don't worry about me anymore."

I worried constantly, I had night terrors every day. I loved her with all my heart. She was my Juliet. I was planing on becoming her Romeo.

Since she left I had many attempted suicides. Oli stopped me every time or called the cops. I was clinically insane. Experts told me what I felt was not normal and that I could possibly not be in love with her. They said it would be the death of me.

Oli was working at Drop Dead that night. Tonight was the night.

I unscrewed a pill bottle and read the label, "don't drink with alcohol." I grabbed a bottle of Jack and began popping pills while drowning it with Jack. I quickly dialed Oli's number.


"Oi, I'm so sorry, I just can't take it anymore... I'm leaving tonight. Stay strong for me... Tell the guys I love them."

"OI!! Ma--" I hung up the phone and began to see black spots. I hurried and grabbed a razor blade I made deep lines across both wrists then fell back and sighed. I gasped for breath, yet everything went black. I couldn't breath.

I was finally going to be ok.

1 week later.

Oli's Point of View.

Matt was in a coma. He didn't kill himself, not yet. I hated how the death of Raven turned him like this. Some people said "it was only two weeks." Yet in those two weeks they proved that they were the two things that kept each other alive. To me they showed more love then some people now a days.

"Mr. Sykes, We're going to be taking Matt off life support..." Said a nurse. My heart broke. "What? It's only been a week."

"Everything is dead except his heart. Something is holding him back."

"Can I see him before you do?"

She nodded. As she walked away the guys walked in. Jordan wrapped an arm around me as Matt and Lee walked away.

"Matt will be ok."

"He'll be at peace.." I whispered. Jordan stopped and looked at me. I walked into Matt's room and held his hand. "Matty," I began to tear up. "I'm going to miss you, If you must let go, let go. I will understand. You can go with Raven. You'll finally be at peace."

Not even minutes his heart rate went flat and his hand fell out of mine. I felt numb. I pushed the sheet over his head. "So long soldier, I'll meet you on the other side when it is my time." I walked out of the room passed Matt, Lee, and Jordan. Matt decided to follow as Jordan and Lee offered there words to pickles corpse,

There will always be only one Matt Nicholls and always one Raven Roedun. In some ways you could compare them to the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. They were soldiers who fought a battle of depression. In some ways I know I should hate Raven for killing my best friend, my brother. Yet I completely understood.

I stood down and looked at both of their graves that were next by each other. Wind blew through my hair as I felt my heart break at the carved stones. It was going to be hard, yet all of us had to stay strong, in memory of the fallen.

I heard two feet walk behind me, I glanced over my shoulder and saw Jacklyne. She looked down as she stood by me. She set a beer on Matt's grave and a bouquet of black roses on Rae's. she lingered at Ravens. Wind blew and caused her hair to fly everywhere. She cried and covered her face. I squatted and hugged her. She sobbed into my chest. I petted her head and kissed her forehead. She was devastated because Alan left her. She had nobody else. She looked up at me and I looked down. "Let's go get some food?" She nodded. We both stood up and I wrapped an arm around her as we walked away from our best friends graves.

The end.


Basically that's the end of this story, I will write an Epilogue yet this is the end. This was my favorite story to write. It was sad but the epilogue will be happy. Hopefully you enjoyed this series. There will be no sequel. This is it, this is the end.

Song title: Helena- My Chemical Romance
In story: So long soldier- All Time Low, Helena- My Chemical Romace.

Thank you for making this series possible.

Love Lydia

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