Eight: Destined to explode.

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"I thought I smelt something fishy," I replied casually. Jordan bursted out laughing and engulfed me with a hug. Behind him was Matt Kean and... Ben Bruce?

We all hugged and I gave them a questioning look.

"I know I know, I'm not a memba of BMTH but I'm key to America." Ben said with his hands in the air.

I chuckled. "So when do we leave?"

"4 minutes, get your girlfriend," lee said.

"GIRLFRIEND?!" Jordan shouted. It caused Ravens head to shoot up and hurt take over her eyes. Shit she was getting the wrong impression...

"Shhhhh!" I said slapping his head.


"Lee, I'm asking her on the boat." I growled.

"I found someone I would bone." Ben said. He casually made his way to are group. He then signaled out Raven and they began to talk. I felt my fist curl up into a ball. Lee placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked down at him and he shook his head. "Ain't worth it lad." I sighed and unclenched my fist. I turned on my heal and started to head toward the boat.

Ravens Point Of View.

I sighed as I looked down at my bare feet. I'd given up on my heals awhile ago and my feet were throbbing. I should have taken the worn out chucks! I wanted to slam my face with a shovel right then and there.

I was engulfed in my own thoughts, I didn't realize someone had walked up to me.

"Names Ben Bruce." Sticking a hand out for me to hold it.

I smiled and held his hand to shake it "Hello Ben."

"What's your name beautiful? I need to know what I'll be screaming later." I gasped and took a step back.

"Hey hey hey, love I'm sorry that was rude..."

I chuckled a little then took a deep breath. "R-Raven."

"Like a crow?"

"Like a black bird that crows."

"They're the same thing though I thought?"

"I guess, I think Ravens are bigger though."

This caused Ben to smirk. I just rolled my eyes and then Ben lead me and the rest of us to the entrance of the boat.

I caught up to Matt and held his hand, this caused Ben to suck his teeth behind me. It caused Matt to smirk and he kissed my cheek. "Sit by me?"

"Of course."

We climbed onto the boat and we were loaded at the bottom of the ship. I felt myself grow anxious as I saw the walls. Of steal and wood. Matt must of noticed because he quickly squeezed my hand a few times. I looked up and saw he was looking down at me. He scoffed and brushed the hair out of my face.

"Can I ask you the question now?"

"Of course 'love',"

This caused him to chuckle. He lead me to an empty place on the boat then held both of my hands. "Rae, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled and replied by kissing him. He kissed back and let go of are entangled hands and placed them on my hips.

"I guess that's a yea?"

I nodded and hugged him. He chuckled and kissed my temple.

"Lets get some shut eye, yeah?"

"Yeah." He held my hand and we took a seat in between Ben and this one guy by the looks of it, you could identify him as a British lad. "Lee, meet Raven." Matt said introducing me to 'Lee'

Lee waved and changed the topic of the conversation. I quietly fell into a deep sleep.

Oliver's Point of View.

It had been a week since anyone called me, no Matt, no Lydia, nor no Austin. "Must be the signal they escaped" I thought.

I paced back and forth, when should I leave? I had finally gotten a visitors pass where visitors could come and visit with me. Danny Worsnop came every so often but even he didn't show his face everyday.

I sat on my bed rubbing my face with my hands. I just really needed to get out of here.

A light knock tapped on my door, I wiped my eyes then stood at my door glaring down at a petite brown eyed nurse.

"You have a visitor, Mr. Sykes"

My face softened as I followed her to the visitor center, I sat down at a round table and awaited my visitor.

The door opened and I looked up and began to smile as I glanced up.



We did our little hand shake then sat down.

"Oi, I have to show you a picture."

With that he showed me a text message from Matt saying: "Im in America."

A smile crept onto my face as well as Danny's we all knew this plan was bound to work.

Austin's Point of View.

"We're here," anounced Ben. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. I felt Riot cuddle into my chest and I couldn't help but chuckle. I saw Raven and Matt holding hands and talking. It looked pretty in depth from the looks of it,

I rubbed my face then began to stand up.

"My pillow!!" Riot complained.

"Want me to carry you? We are here!"

"Wait, you mean we're not lost out in sea?"

I shook my head smiling, "Dont worry about having 'My heart will go on' either." That caused her to laugh as we both stood up.

Alan was holding a sick Jacklyne and Danielle was cuddled up to Ben. Jessica was with Lee and Jordan and Matt K were discussing... Tour plans? What?


After awhile we all officially had gotten into the beautiful lands of America. Everything was so nice.

"We're in Massachusetts," informed Ben.

"Do you know where Oli is?" Nicholls questioned

"Yeah, Danny sent me the address, " Ben replied.

Ben winked at Raven as Danielle wasn't looking which caused me to flat at him. He was still the fucking douche he has always been.

We then heard a really bad stomach growl. Then we heard a laugh come from Alan.

"Shut up," complained Jacklyne. He kissed her cheek. "Before we save Oli can we go get some subway?" Alan said "my lady got the munchies." She punched his arm the covered her face in his chest causing him to laugh.

"We need too--" Matt Tried until Raven said, "sounds good to me."

Matt then looked at her and smiled. "Anything for my girlfriend." This caused her to blush and cover her face with her hands. This caused Matt to pull her closer. My OTP was canon!!! YES!


We made it to subway and all sat at a table that we put together. Riot was exhausted so she ate a quarter of her sandwich then fell asleep on my shoulder. Everything seamed perfect. Until I saw a man in a black hoodie with a goatee snap a photo of us outside the window. He then took a few more then we made eye contact.



Uh oh (;

Song Title credit: time bomb by all time low

"Can you feel the Silence?" A Matt Nicholls Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now