Six: The Great Escape

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"What?" I stared at him in confusion.

"Quick follow me." He whispered. He dragged me to the corner and pulled me closer where he could whisper without anyone hearing. "We're breaking out of here."

"But Matt."

"Sh sh sh." He held my face and kissed me. "Listen to me, you're not crazy, or insane. This is all a lie. You're perfectly fine."

"I have an arm full of scars to prove nothing is fine!"

He started to stumble over his words before he took a deep breath. "Look, that doesn't matter. We are leaving tonight at midnight."

"Ok, I'm not leaving without Jacklyne."

He sighed. "If we take Jacklyne that means we have to take Alan, if we take Alan, we'd have to take Austin and from the looks of it. We should take Riot, Jessica and Danielle too."

"What's the problem of that?"

"The more people the more chance .we'll get caught."

My breath stopped and I looked at the ground. "Can we try, if we got caught, uwe can always run."

It took him awhile but he finally agreed.

We made our seperate ways and told everyone to meet in Matt's room after the dance.

The dance was a blast, I danced with all my friends. I was nervous though. Matt kept telling me everything will be alright, but what if it wasn't?


We all gathered in Matt's room as he explained his plan.

"Ok, here's what's going on. None of you are crazy. You are here for a medical experiment."

This caused anxiety to rush through my veins. "We are breaking out of here tonight at midnight because we are not mindless objects that are clinically insane. We're not mental. Yes we may have certain problems but none of us are skitsofrantic. Nobody hears voices right?" We all nodded.

"If we stay here longer, we will. They will increase medication that is not helpful whatsoever and it will drive us mad."

"How are you so sure about this Matthew?" Alan tested. I saw Matt's hand clench. He hated when people called him that. He then took a deep breath. "Cuz Oli and I found the papers. Oli kept looking at the papers to keep me informed. He was caught reading as he found out the date of the raise of the medication. That is why he was shipped off."

Austin finally spoke up. "Well, what are we waiting for?"

We all smiled and snuck down the hallway into the room. We grabbed smocks and face masks that covered our mouths and noses. The boys and I covered up are tattoos and we began to push a garbage can down the hallway. The guard that patrolled the halls was dead asleep. We ditched the garbage can and quickly and quietly walked past him. We then found our way at the front of the asylum. "When we open the door, run." We nodded.

The door opened and we ran. We ran faster then lions. We were gone. We left the building. We ran a few miles and hid behind a dumpster. we were gasping for air. austin and Jacklyne looked like they were about to die!! before we caught our breath, We heard a siren go off and we quickly began to run towards a 96 suburban. Matt got in the drivers seat and wired the car until it started. He then busted ass and drove away. We did it. Almost caught but we made it. We were free, oh so we hoped.


Alan's Point of View.

I stared out the window while mindlessly playing with Jacklyne's hair. I couldn't believe we left. I had horrifying thoughts that we were not going to make it out alive. If we were caught, I'd take one for the team. Jacklyne could move on. Right?

I looked behind and saw Riot, Austin, Danielle all cuddled up in the back fast asleep. This was the calmest I've ever seen Danielle. She had a major problem with anorexia and anxiety. She was healthy now but anxiety got worse. I gave her a sympathetic smile even though she couldn't here me.

I then heard something I never thought I'd hear.

"Forget yesterday, we'll make the great escape. They won't hear a word, face it they don't know us anyway..."

I heard a soft voice say, well sing from the front seat. I haven't heard that song in years. I quietly sang along with her. She quickly turned around and blushed.

"Pretty voice." I said, "thanks, mom told me she could see me on stage sometimes, then I became a handful and she sent me off to London. " she stared off into space. It seamed dangerous whenever someone did that now a days.

"Everything is better now though. I have a boyfriend who is awesome, got the first friends I've ever had, cuz honestly, i had no friends before DeVounti. and I'm just confident this will work out. "

"What do you mean you had no friends before DeVounti. I assumed we were friends. You fucking bitch." Jacklyne slurred with sleep rising in her voice. This caused us to laugh and we saw Jessica grown and cover her ears. I smiled and kissed Jacklyne's forehead. I felt feelings for her, I wasn't going to lie. I felt perfect with her. I just never thought I was good enough for her.


Matt's Point Of View.

8 hours later, we had arrived in Sheffield, England. My hometown. I drove down the familiar roads and landed infront of my house. "Here I announced." I heard them all groan and open there eyes. "Where are we?" Raven whispered. "Quick stop at my house. We have to ditch the suburban and walk for awhile. Yet we will be safe here for the time it takes for all of us to shower and change our clothes."

"Thanks for the offer but... I doubt you'll have girl clothes babe."

I smiled. My cousin might have left some shirts, plus I have a flannel." She nodded and smiled at me. I kissed her and heard a groan escape Alan's lips. He rubbed his eyebrow and glared at me. What the fuck is his problem? He bothered me. I just didn't understand.

We piled out of the car and we all got in line for all four of his bathroom. I lead raven up stairs to get into the shower with me. It "conceived" the water supply. That's what I told Raven anyway.

I took off my shirt and saw she fiddled with her dress zipper. I turned her around and unzipped it. She covered her body while she stared at the ground. "Hey. He, hey. " I crabbed her face once again and she looked at me

"You're beautiful ok?"

"Promise. "

"The angels from above heard, they know I will never tell a lie."

"Can you feel the Silence?" A Matt Nicholls Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now